Truths and Dares

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I just wanted to say something real quick: I am altering things a little bit in the timeline. I know things are going to be a little out of order, or happen a little differently than they do in the series, but we're adding another character to the story, and it flows so much nicer this way. So yeah, there you go. Don't hate me...

Zane's POV

Y/N herded everyone back into the living room, to do who knows what stupidness. I was only here because Aph was, and she bribed me with cupcakes. I'm just hoping to get through the night without being acknowledged.

"It's time for.. drumroll please!" Y/N started stomping her feet in the center of the circle, and soon everyone was patting their legs, awaiting the next 'fun' activity. "Truth or dare! In the dark!" Everyone raised a cheer, but I just groaned. No matter how many times we play this dumb game, nobody seems to remember that it just ends up being a kissing contest. Maybe I can sneak off to the bathroom and escape through the window..

I started to ease away from the group, when Aph called my name.

"Zane! Sit by me!" Aphmau patted the couch next to her, motioning me to sit next to her. Ugh, why am I even friends with her?


"Can I start? Please, please, pleeesse???" Katelyn was trying to stay cool, but clearly failing.

"Yeah, you can start Katelyn. Go for it!" I motioned for her to go. I was secretly glad she wanted to go first, because the first truth/dare has to be the best.

Kayelyn slowly turned to Aph. "Truth or dare, Aphmau?"

"How about dare?" Katelyn's eyes glinted, and she smirked.

"Oh ho ho, yes! I dare you to kiss Aaron. Right here. Right now." Aphmau's head snapped to Aaron, bright red.

"Uh, I don't know Katelyn, I-" Aph was cut off by Aaron, who said, "Sure." He leaned over on the couch and kissed Aphmau on the cheek. She flushed even more red somehow, and smiled.

'Awws' chorused around the room as Aaron leaned back again. You know, I could definitely see them as a couple.

I had noticed that Zane was here, I was too busy being a murderer to really care. But when he groaned it was hard not to notice him.

"Aph, do I have to play this kids game?" He moaned.

"C'mon Zane, it'll be fun. Remember the cupcakes.." she whispered. Everyone heard though, because Aphmau doesn't seem to understand 'quiet'. Zane knew this, and I could see a hint of pink on the bit of face I could see.

"Ugh, only because I like cup- you, because I like you! And only if you don't make me do any kissy stuff." He folded his arms and stared her down with one, crystal blue eye.

Aphmau squirmed in her seat. But there was no where to go. "Fine! Fine. No kissy stuff. Now, truth or dare?" She asked, leaning towards Zane, making him squirm in his seat in turn.

"Mm.. truth." Zane said, practically falling off the couch onto Garroth.

"Hee hee! Okay! If you had to be handcuffed to anyone here for 24 hours, who would it be?" Aph said rubbing her hands together, her eyes gleaming, the gold in them glowing.

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