It's A Date

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Who's the date with...? He he he....

Dejected, I walked back home. Maybe Kawaii~Chan has finished some sweets, so I can eat away my troubles.

"Hey KC," I called as I stomped in, "Got any cupcakes?" I smelled sugar, so I knew there was something baking. I walked in and found Aphmau! "Aph! What're you doing?"

"I'm baking some cupcakes for Zane, to apologize for the whole incident. Wanna help?" Aph is a beautiful kind person, but she can't cook to save her soul. Sorry Aph.

"Uh, I'll just watch, thanks." I sat on a stool and watched as she flung powdered sugar everywhere except the bowl. "Hey Aphmau? Why does Zane cover his face? Like, he wears a mask, and he covers one eye with his hair. What's his deal?"

"Well, I should let Zane tell you about his eye, but he- don't tell him I told you this- he's embarrassed that he has freckles. They're so cute, but he thinks they stand out too much because he's pale." She dumped the batter messily into the cupcake tins.

"Okay then, seems legit. So why is he so.. antisocial?" I took the empty bowl and licked the reside off the sides. And then I immediately spit it back out and acted like a good friend and washed out the nasty substance.

"Thanks! And I'm not totally sure. He's been his way since high school. I think it might have to with living in both his brothers' shadows." She slid the tray into the oven and dusted off her hands.

"Oh, and one more thing- why were you and Travis having crunchy rolls on the couch?" Aph turned and smiled.

"Oh, Travis was jealous that I spent so much time with Zane and Aaron, and he wanted a special day just for us." I put on a half-smile, and nodded my head to one side.

"Fair enough. I'm gonna go take a shower. Call me if you need me." I started to head down the stairs to grab my towel, but then the doorbell rang. "I got it."

Laurance's POV

I wiped my sweaty palms on my pants, pacing back and forth in my room.

"Come on, Laurance, you got this! You gotta do it before Garroth, Travis and Dante. If you don't ask her now, someone else will. Whew, here we go," I looked into the mirror, and tried to ask my reflection out. It was just awkward and weird. "Ugh, Laurance, get. A. Grip."

There was a soft tap at the door, so I knew it wasn't Garroth. "Come on in," I called gently, evening my breath.

"Hey Laurance, I heard you talking to yourself, and I figured you could use a little advice from The Love Expert," Dante touched his chest so his fingertips, looking all fancy or something.

"Uh, heh, you heard? I- I would love some advice Dante. As long as it's decent, none of this butt stuff you got Travis trapped in." I was wary of his advice, but I really needed help.

He chuckled as he shut the door behind him. "Don't worry, Laurance, you're in good hands. Look, the biggest thing is to just be confident. If your nervous about being nervous, it'll make you more nervous. Just do it. Think of the pros and cons of asking her now, or letting someone else ask her first."

I thought about it, and made a mental list:

If she says yes, I'll get her before Garroth, Travis and Dante

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