Snowed In~ Part 1

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Turns out Katelyn was wrong about the snow, huh? Oh my Irene, what have my intros become...


I walked in and was greeted by silence. I was secretly hoping Aph was home so I could talk to her about.. It.

"Aph? Aphmau! You home?" I called up the stairs. I heard some muffled sounds, so I knew she was up there. "I'm coming up!"

I walked up the stairs and slowly opened her door. And I was greeted with a scene I never expected to see. Aphmau and Zane were sitting on the floor with a tea set and a bunch of My Little Horsie figurines. I wasn't totally surprised by the ponies, but the fact that Zane was there, and..

"Zane? Your wearing a dress..?" He had on a purple dress, and was trying to avoid my curious look. "Aph, I didn't know you guys hung out, since when?" Aphmau glanced from Zane to me, and responded.

"I force him to play horsies with me. He doesn't play with them in his spare time or anything. And I forced him to wear that dress, too. If you're going to a tea party, you have to wear a dress." She talked quickly, tripping over her own words. She was probably just nervous because I found her in here with Zane alone. But I know Aph. She's not into relationships.

"Oh, and look outside! I need to get to the store before it gets too snowy on the roads. Just let yourself out, Zane." She called as she flew out of the room. She seemed nervous, but who could blame her? The snow just kept getting worse.

And then I remembered Zane was on the floor in a dress. I snickered, "Zane, you can go change out of that. I'll just be downstairs if you wanna say bye when you go." I snuck one last look at him, and left. He closed the door behind me.

Zane's POV

I could see Y/N smiling behind her hand as she told me to change. I was more than relieved to oblige; my princess dress is only for me to wear, and Aphmau to see.

I slipped out of it and threw on my regular clothes. I didn't want to face Y/N again, not after the whole.. incident.. with the cuffs. So I snuck downstairs-

And proceeded to trip and fall down the stairs like a dork. "Ow," I moaned as I tried to get up. Nice going, Zane.

"Oh my Irene, are you okay?!" Y/N ran over and helped me up.

"I'm fine, just let go, okay?" I jerked away. I just needed to get home and get an ice pack for my elbows; I landed on them pretty hard.

I sulked to the front door, only to stop short. I stared at the scene before me in panic. "No. No, this can't be happening. No!" I ran my fingers through my hair, trying to calculate if I could get home with so much snow out there. "It's not possible.."

"Zane, what's going on? Oh.." she looked out the front wonder and saw all the snow. It was halfway up the door already! "Zane! I see something out in the snow! It's moving! We need to save whoever that is!" She sprung into action, throwing on her coat and snow boots.

"Wait, Y/N! It's too dangerous, just let them be. If they die out there, it's their fault for going out at a time like this." She stared at me like I didn't have a soul- or a brain.

"We have to help them. It's the only option."


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