The Party~ Part 1

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We broke 100 reads guys! Early chapter foh u!


There was a knock at the door so I bolted to the door. The first of our friends had come! I threw the door open. "Hey guys! Come on in!" Dante, Travis, Garroth and Laurance walked in and I hugged all of them. I was so excited I couldn't contain it!

Dante sniffed the air, and Travis said, "What is that delectable smell?"

"Well there's a TON of food in the kitchen and dining room if you want to chow down! Kawaii~Chan made the treats (obviously), and I made the main courses." I put my hands behind my back modestly as they stared in amazement.

"Dang, gurl, you got the looks and you can cook!? You're flawless! I'm gonna go try it!" Travis said as he and Dante ran into the kitchen. I laughed and turned to Garroth and Laurance.

"How was your guys' Christmas Eve so far?" I asked as we sat down in the family room.

"Meh, not much happened. I was just waiting for tonight, so I can get a kiss under the mistletoe from-" Laurance stopped short and blushed. Garroth nodded in agreement.

I grinned as big as I could. "So you two are waiting until midnight to catch your crush under the mistletoe? That means they're going to be here tonight! Ooh, who is it?~" I rubbed my hands together, looking at Laurance, since I already knew who Garroth liked. They both blushed.

And then the doorbell rang. "Saved by the bell. I guess I'll find out at midnight!" I got up and answered the door.

"Come on in- Do I know you?" I was greeted by a pink man. Literally pink. His hair and his skin was pink, and his eyes were a beautiful soft teal.

"I do not believe we have met. I am Prince Reese, and I was invited here by my friend Kawaii~Chan. Is this the right place?" He looked nervous and uncertain.

"This is the place all right! My name is Y/N, I'm Kawaii~Chan's roommate and friend. It's great to meet to!" I beckoned him inside and sat him on the couch. "I'll go get Kawaii~Chan."

I ran up the stairs two at a time and knocked on KC's door. "Kawaii~Chan, your knight in shining armor is here!~" I called.

She opened the door, face red with a present in her hand. "Reese~Senpai is here?!" I nodded and smiled, seeing how much KC liked Reese.

"He's waiting for you on the couch, Princess Kawaii~Chan." I gestured grandly down the stairs. She tip-toed down nervously with the gift behind her back. I followed her down and the doorbell rang so I went to answer the door.

It was Aaron and Lucinda. "Come on in guys! The party is just getting started!" I closed the door behind them, and asked Lucinda, "Did you get up early to be here, Lucinda? It's only 6."

"Yeah, i wanted to be here as long as I could, because I have someplace to be at 9:30. It's Christmas Eve, but that only means more work for me. So many last minute orders for potions for gifts." She sighed and shook her head, heading into the kitchen. Aaron had disappeared by this point, probably to find Aphmau.

I looked around and counted everyone. Dante, Travis... and I make eleven... Who's missing? Zane! I decided to go get him and make sure he was okay.

I stepped into the chilly air and shivered. I walked quickly to Zane's house, so I didn't miss too much of the party. I knocked on his door and stepped back. I waited for a couple minutes before deciding to go back home. Maybe he forgot and went somewhere...?

And then I heard the door open. I spun around and smiled at Zane. "Are you gonna come to the party? It's really fun!" He rolled his eye (eyes?).

"I don't think so, Y/N. Sorry. Just go home and enjoy everyone who is there. They don't want me there anyway..." He turned away. Before he could close the door, I grabbed his wrist.

"They might not want you there, but I want you there. C'mon, let's go." I pulled, and he didn't resist very much. We walked into my house and found everyone hanging out and having fun.

"Let's go eat; I'm hungry." We went into the kitchen and loaded up our plates. As we sat down and started eating, Zane's eye grew huge.

"This is delicious! I had no idea Kawaii~Chan could cook things that aren't cupcakes!" He shoved two more bites in his mouth, making me laugh.

"KC didn't make it, Zane. I did!" He turned to me, amazed. Then he realized he was showing emotion, and went stone-faced. Something about that made me laugh. He just shook his head and kept eating.

I finished eating and dismissed myself. I sauntered over to Travis and said hi.

"Hey Y/N! You are looking radiant in the young moonlight." He bowed slightly.

"Oh Travis, you're somethin' else, you know that?" I shook my head and giggled. He grinned goofily, making me laugh even harder.

"S-so. Have y-you got a ki-kiss yet, Casanova?" I caught my breath.

He sighed. "Not yet. I'm hoping midnight will be the magic hour, you know?" He glanced up, causing me to look that way. The clock said it was 9:30, and I remembered that Lucinda was going to leave around then.

"I gotta say bye to Lucinda real quick, be right back Travis." I looked around the house and quickly spotted her bright hair. "Hey Lucinda!" I called.

"Hey there Y/N. I'm glad to see you before I leave. I had a great time tonight." She gave a tired grin. It always seems like she's in a perpetual state of boredom.

"I knew you were leaving right about now, and I wanted to say bye! Thank you so much for coming! By the way, did you get a kiss?" I was really into the mistletoe kisses this year because it was the first year I had friends this close since middle school. And Aphmau in college, but you know...

"Nah, I'm not into anyone right now. Being a witch makes relationships... difficult. Gotta go now, bye sweet!" And she poofed away. Sweet? I shrugged and went to talk with Travis some more.

Love you, my little stars!
(I'm making this my new outro, cuz I'm Rae the star, get it?)

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