Moving In

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Hey guys! I'm writing a Zane X Reader because why not, really! I hope you like it, I will try to update as I can, hopefully once a week. It will be kind of a slow start, but hey! Zane doesn't exactly rush into relationships. ;P And now, enjoy!

I walked down the street, looking down at my phone and up to the house numbers. I reached the end of the street, and the last house on the left was the one I was looking for.

Well, this must be the place.

I approached the door and cautiously knocked on the red door. I anxiously stood at the door tapping my foot for a moment, until the door swung open and revealed the bright face of my best friend.

Aphmau's POV

I heard a knock at the door, and knew that Y/N had finally made it!

"I got the door Katelyn!" I yelled as I hopped off the couch. As I ran, I heard a muffled, "Good, because I'm not." I just smiled and threw the door open.


Aphmau wrapped me up in a hug, and we both dancing around squealing in sheer joy.

"Aph, I haven't seen you since senior year back at O'Khasis University! I've missed you so much!"

" I know!" We stopped hopping and Aphmau continued, "College seems like a lifetime ago! But what are we doing out here? Come in and I'll show you around."

She took my hand and brought me inside. I was greeted with a beautiful living room with two purple couches and a flat screen playing My Little Horsies.

"I see you haven't changed much!" I said laughing. Aphmau turned a soft pink and smiled. "Oh, you know me! Now over here is the dining room and the kitchen."

Aphmau led me around the corner into the dining room, where we could see into the kitchen. In the kitchen there was a mief'wa girl with long, pink hair, in a cute pink outfit covered up by a pink apron.

"Oh, Y/N, I almost forgot! This is Kawaii~Chan, one of my good friends in high school. Kawaii~Chan, this is Y/N! She's the one moving into the basement that I told you about!"

Kawaii~Chan looked perky and pleasant, until Aph mentioned I was moving into the basement. She seemed nervous, and her tail twitched side to side. Aphmau seemed to notice this and reassured her saying, "Don't worry, KC, you don't need to, you know... I have a plan and it'll be fine." She seemed satisfied by this answer, but I was thoroughly confused.

"What's all this this about?" I looked between Aphmau and Kawaii~Chan, searching for an answer.

Kawaii~Chan started turning pink, so Aphmau stepped in and said, "Well you see, on one half of the basement, there's a bit of a... problem. We can't afford to have anyone check it out, with just moving in and all, it's hard to even keep up with rent. Don't worry though! We'll just curtain it off and you can live on the other side. It'll be perfectly safe, trust me, we're keeping boxes down there and they're fine! Now, let's go upstairs and introduce you to Katelyn!"

I found the whole thing a little weird, but it didn't seem to bother Aph too much, so I walked upstairs to find a beautiful open landing. Aph walked up to a soft blue door and knocked gently.

"Katelyn? Hey Katelyn? I know you're in there. We're coming in now!" She opened the door and walked in, tailing me along behind her.

"Aphmau! I told you not to barge into my room like that!" Sitting cross-legged in the center of a blue room was a beautiful girl with blue hair and matching eyes, and even more blue clothes. She seemed very angry at Aphmau for barging in, but I couldn't blame her. I'd be the same way..

"Y/N is here! You know, the girl I told you was moving in? Y/N, this here is Katelyn. She can be a bit touchy, but we still love her!" Aphmau leaned on the doorframe, not noticing the death glare Katelyn was sending her.

"Aph. You know I'm right here. Right?" She said slowly and threateningly. Her tone sent shivers down my spine, but Aphmau didn't seem fazed. I guess this happens a lot.

I was starting to tire out. I had been busy all day with the move, and it was starting to catch up with me, even though I had three cupcakes for breakfast instead of two. "Hey Aphmau? I love meeting my new roommates and all, but do you think you could just show me my room so I can unpack and sleep? I've had a big day.."

"Of course! Let's go get your stuff, I think I heard a truck pull up a minute ago." Aph headed downstairs and I followed, stifling a little yawn.

~Time Skip brought to you by Zane's cupcakes~

I don't remember much of the unpacking, partly because I was dead tired, and partly because I didn't have very much stuff to move.

Once my bed made it downstairs and set up, I flopped onto it. Before I fell asleep, I faintly heard voices over my head.

Kawaii~Chan thinks she is very pretty. Hmm, Kawaii~Chan wonders..

Another voice bit back harshly,

KC, don't you start on that, she doesn't even know anyone yet! Now let's go upstairs and let her rest.

That was the last I heard before I knocked out cold.

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