Hanging With the Guys

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Welcome back! This chapter is pretty short compared to the last two, but it's the start of a big night for you, so hold onto your pants!


"So, you guys wanna hang out? I don't have anything better to do." I said once the dust cleared.

"I- Uhh... sure?" Garroth motioned me inside. "Just sit down real quick, we'll be right in there. Guys?" Garroth herded the others into a room off to the left, and I checked out the house from my seat on the couch.

Laurance's POV

"Guys, what are we gonna do? We only just met her, and now she's spending the day with us!" I was starting to panic, but not like poor Dante. He was lying on the floor, wheezing.

"Chillax! She's just another girl, let's treat her like one." Travis piped up as he pulled Dante up off the floor. "Ahem, that would include not leaving her alone in our house for 5 minutes."

"Oh! Right! Travis, that was a smart thing to say, and it didn't have to do with her butt! You must be growing up!" I patted him on the shoulder and helped him wake up Dante.

"Yeah, we need to be nice to her so she'll come over and we can see her booty every day!" Everyone just groaned, (though Dante groaned because he woke up) and went out to greet Y/N.


After 5 long, awkward minutes, they came out of the room. "Welcome back! I saw you have Mario Kart, and I felt bad for you." I said tauntingly.

"Umm, do you not like Mario Kart?" Travis asked nervously. Clearly they thought I was disappointed in them because they had the game.

"Nah, it's just that you'll wish you never got it after I CREAM ALL YALL AT IT!" I jumped up and snagged a controller, smirking at them. Garroth visibly relaxed and grabbed another one.

"You're on, Y/N!" He smiled, and his clear blue eyes gleamed.

~Time Skip brought to you by sunshine and summertime~
(And Mario Kart)

"Ha! I win again! In. Yo. FACE!" I said as I danced in a circle.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. I challenge you again. I need to win at least ONE race!" Dante shoved his finger in my face, looking upset and determined.

"Ugh, whatever, Dante. I'd beat you any time, any where." Laurance sassed Dante and swung his controller around.

"It looks like you guys are all bark and no bite. Let's do this. Again." I turned back to the TV to start the next race, but as I did so, everything shut off.

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