The Secret

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Howdy! Now, let's get right into it! LOL! :P

Aww, dangit! Power out." Laurance said, sliding off the couch and onto the floor like a wet noodle. "Well, what now?"

"Gaaaasp! Guys! I have an idea! Travis, Dante, go get everyone on Mystreet! This is gonna be great!" I pointed violently at Dante and Travis, who hopped up off the couch and sprinted out the door. "On it!"

Once they left, I turned back to Laurance and Garroth. "Guys, I have an awesome idea, and I need your help." I grinned evilly and told them the plan.

~Time Skip brought to you by secret plans >:D~

"And so after all that, we'll tone it down with truth or dare." My eyes were bright with excitement, and the look was matched in Garroth and Laurance's faces as we gathered the materials we would need for our plot.

As we finished the prep, the door flew open. "Y/N, everyone is here except Lucinda, who is gonna be a little late, since she's still in the shower.

"Fair enough. Now, everyone, gather in the family room for some fun in the dark!" I welcomed everyone in and stood in the center of the circle.

"Alrighty guys, have some pizza, we'll start when I get out of the bathroom," and with that, I walked away. But, instead of going to the bathroom, I snuck into Dante's room, and waited for phase two to commence.

Garroth's POV

I waited a couple minutes before standing up. "Uh, I'm gonna go look for Y/N. I wanna start." And I walked away, feeling he stare of the entire room on my back as I walked off.

"She went to the bathroom, why is he looking for her?" I could hear Aphmau in particular whispering. She tends to be a loud whisperer. It's so cute.

I snuck into Dante's room to find Y/N with a bottle of ketchup. "We gotta move quick! C'mere!" She smeared ketchup all over my back and on the floor. It was a little weird, but it was worth it for the outcome we were hoping for. I laid down in the ketchup and acted dead, waiting for phase three to commence.

Laurance's POV

Everyone thought it was weird Garroth went for Y/N, but I knew what was up, so I made up some excuses and acted up a storm for a few more minutes.

"You know, it's weird that Y/N and Garroth haven't come back yet. I'm gonna go check on them." I got up and stretched, taking my time, so as not to raise suspicion. I meandered over to Dante's room and snuck in.

"Let's do this! Ketchup me!" I opened my arms and watched as Y/N approached me with a bottle of ketchup. I'm sorry, jacket. I'll wash you as soon as I can.

She spread the sauce all over my chest, which was weird, but you know... I laid down partially on top of Garroth, to make it look like I fell down, murdered.

To finish phase 3, Y/N threw her soft hair in her face, and stood in the corner with a knife, looking like a madman- er, woman. And now, the best part.

Phase 4.


My favorite part was about to unfold. We practiced this multiple times to make sure he could do it, and Laurance was ready.

He let out a bloodcurdling scream, and pounded the floor with his fist, making it sound like he was stabbed and fell to the floor.

Almost instantly, we heard feet pounding down the hall and opening doors, looking for us. Finally, Dante's door cracked open. We were met with Travis, and everyone else peeking over his shoulder. Their eyes grew huge in sync, and everyone just stared at me like I was a madman- er, woman. Which is what I looked like at the moment.

Dante passed out, temporarily distracting everyone. I took that opportunity to step towards them, causing them to look back to me. I started chuckling darkly, and it evolved into a maniacal laugh. The look on poor Aphmau's face was enough to crack me up. I threw my hair back and started laughing. This got Garroth and Laurance to sit up, and they started laughing too.

Katelyn cracked a smile, and slowly everyone started cracking up, except Zane, who stood behind everyone else, just staring at me. It was a little unnerving, but I was having too much fun laughing to care.

I finally belonged somewhere.

Hey! The title was sneaky, huh? You thought it would be Zane, but naw! Anyway... Imma shut up now.

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