A Day in the Life of Zane~ Part 1

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As we walked up the stairs, I thought of a problem. "Uh, Zane? I hate to bring this up, but ah... how are we gonna sleep?" He stopped in front of the door to his bedroom.

"I don't know about you, but I'm sleeping on my bed, and you're sleeping on the floor." He opened the door and walked in.

He took me to the bed and threw me a blanket. "You can use this. And this." He added, tossing me a pillow.

"Thanks," I set the blanket on the floor next to his bed. We both managed to lay down, him on the bed and me on the floor. My arm was being pulled up into the air, and his was falling off the bed.

"Zane, neither of us are comfortable like this, it just won't work. Just let me up on the bed, please?" I realized what that meant, but I didn't care. Tomorrow would be miserable for him and me if I didn't sleep well.

Zane grumbled, but I could tell he knew it was the only option. "Fine. But use your own blanket." He scooted over on the bed and I hopped up. I put my pillow and blanket on the bed and got comfortable. We both layed on our back, our hands brushing each other because of the cuffs.

"Night Zane." I whispered. The only response I got was a gentle snore. I smiled and fell asleep. Maybe tomorrow wouldn't be too bad..

Zane's POV

I woke up and started to roll out of bed. As I pulled away, I felt my arm yank. Before I could do anything, I fell out of bed, pulling a sleeping Y/N down with me. One of us screamed; I don't know who. But them I was on the floor with a now wide awake Y/N on top of me.

"Zane I'm so sorry!" She cried, crawling off me and pulling me up. I was blushing, I could tell, so I pulled my mask up higher. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Let's just get some breakfast. What do you like? McDonalds?" I felt bad for waking her up like that, so I let her pick where we should eat. That's the closest thing to an apology she's getting.

"Hey Zane, do you really want to go on public handcuffed together?" I grimaced in response. I hadn't thought about that. "I figured. Let's make some toast and scrambled eggs instead." She led me into the kitchen, with me pulling away. I didn't really have much food, because I ate out so much. With only me in the house, and no guests but Aph, I didn't want to worry about food going bad for no reason.

"I- I don't know.. I've never made scrambled eggs. And I don't have any eggs." I mumbled so she couldn't hear me through my mask.

"Well, all the more reason to make them! I'll teach you." She opened the fridge to find a gallon of milk and a pack of poopsi. "Where are the eggs? Did you run out?" She swung around, slamming the fridge shut. She's just like me in the mornings; irritated by the littlest thing.

"I- uhh.. We can go to Aph! I'm sure she has some eggs." I has so delighted I came up with that, I didn't even wait for Y/N to respond. I flew out the front door- and by flew, I mean walked, because I'm a fat people nugget, as Aphmau would say.


I was so glad Zane didn't run to Aph's house. I had plenty of running yesterday with Aphmau, and it was still morning. We walked up to Aphmau's door, and as I reached out to knock, Zane opened the door and walked in.

"Um, Zane? Shouldn't we have-" I was cut off by Aphmau calling from the kitchen.

"Hey Zane! Want to help me and KC make your cupcakes?" I stared at Zane, realizing that he barges in on a regular basis.

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