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Hey guys! I didn't mean this chapter to go on so long, but I really think it all needs to be here. Enjoy!


I cracked an eye open, but squeezed it shut quickly. My head was throbbing and the light was blinding. Eventually, I managed to keep my eyes open, and I looked around, ignoring the searing pain in my head. I recognized the grey ceiling of my basement, and wondered how I got there. Last I remembered I was under Laurance's bed... Hold on a second!

I lifted my arm, and instead of a handcuff there was a little bruise. I smiled, but it hurt my head too much, so it probably looked more like a pained smirk.

I somehow managed to get up the stairs, and was greeted by KC, baking up a storm as usual. But something was off- there was the scent of cheer everywhere. Why is it so happy out today? Did they think I was dead and were celebrating? I knew this wasn't the case, but my head hurt and it was making me irritable.

"Kawaii~Chan, what's up?" I sauntered into the kitchen. She didn't realize I was there, so she jumped, puffing up her tail in fear.

"Aah! Kawaii~Chan didn't hear you, Y/N~Sama. Wait! Y/N~Sama! You're awake!" She set down her bowl and danced around me, shouting and crying in joy (I think).

"What's going on? How long was I out?" I tried to get KC to stop hopping around for a second, but instead I got an answer from a voice behind me.

"You've been out for a while. Everyone has been worried about you." I spun around to see Katelyn leaning against the wall.

"Hiya Katelyn! Where is Aph?" I needed to talk to someone with sense around here. Katelyn just jerked her thumb into the family room. I walked in there to find Aphmau and Travis eating crunchy rolls on the couch.

"Aphmau! Travis? What are you guys doing?" Both heads jerked around to look at me.

"Y/N! You're awake! I'm so glad!" Aphmau set down her crunchy rolls and started to get up. Travis did the same, but he flew off the couch and lunged at me before Aphmau could get up.

"Travis! Wha-" I was cut off by Travis hitting me full on with his body, sending us both sprawling on the floor. He had wrapped me up in a big hug on floor and was almost crying.

"Y/N I thought I had lost you! Don't ever do that again!" He bawled and squeezed me tight.

"Eh heh, Travis? I wasn't out that long, I wasn't going to die.. Plus, I've only known you for, like, a day, so, yeah. And can you please let go? My head is killing me," I managed to pry Travis off of me and sit up.

His eyes widened. "I'm so sorry, it's just, you've been out for a day and a half." He leaned back and stared at me like I was the only unicorn in existence.
"And I wasn't upset that you were going to die, I was upset that- N-not that I wasn't worried about you, because I was, it's just that- anyway..." He trailed off awkwardly, rubbing his neck.

"Uh, what do you mean, injured?" I was fairly sure he wasn't talking about the bruise on my wrist.

"Oh! You don't know... Ya see... your face kinda got smashed in, and now you're all purple and black.." Travis rambled on about colors and my face, but I didn't catch any of it.

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