Winter is Here!

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Winter isn't here irl, but we can still celebrate in our dreams!

Katelyn's POV

I yawned and stretched, getting out of bed. It was going to be another long, dumb day. Ever since Y/N moved in, everyone's been extra... extra. Everyone has just gone to the extreme of their personality, and it's super annoying. I looked out the window, and my whole day turned around.

"It's snowing! It's snowing! Decoration day is here!" I ran down the stairs to find Aph and Kawaii~Chan dancing in the family room.

"Has anyone gotten Y/N up? The sooner she's up and moving the sooner we can start! I'll get her." I jumped the back of the couch and ran down the basement stairs.

"Y/N? Y/N get up!" I shook the ball of blankets on her bed, trying to wake her up.

"Rawr!" Someone jumped on me, roaring, and I just about had a heart- attack.

"Irene help me, if you do that again-" I spun around and found Y/N grinning behind me.

"What can I say? Rawr~" I couldn't stay mad at her, because it was Decoration Day, so I just smiled and dragged her upstairs.

"Katelyn? What's going on? You're happy today.." she gather her feet under her, and I let go so she could walk herself.

"It's Decoration Day, you dork! C'mon." By the time we were upstairs, KC and Aphmau had already brought some boxes down.

When we found out Y/N was moving in, we decided to divide all the Christmas decorations into all of our closets, to make room for her.

It had begun.

I heard someone coming down the stairs, so I crouched next to them, out of site. She didn't seem very mad at my prank, which was weird for her. I asked Katelyn what was going on, but she just said it was 'decoration day'. It sounded vaguely familiar; maybe Aphmau had mentioned it one time.

We got upstairs and found Kawaii~Chan and Aph standing surrounded by boxes, all labeled 'x-mas'. And then my brain revved up. Oh yeah! Aph told me that the first day of snow is dedicated to putting up Christmas decorations. I guess it snowed last night after I got home.

"Let's do this!" Aph hopped in a circle and opened a box. Pretty soon, it looked like Christmas had barfed all over the inside of our house.

"I LOVE CHRISTMAS!!!~" Kawaii~Chan squealed. I grinned and realized how close I had grown to the girls, even though I only moved in a couple weeks ago. It made me happy to think that I finally belonged somewhere.

Aphmau POV

The inside of the house was looking festive, and it was time to move outside. We lugged 5 boxes of lights and 6 boxes of other things out onto the lawn.

"Katelyn, KC, you work together on the lights. Me and Y/N will spruce up the porch." We split up, and Katelyn didn't complain once about working with Kawaii~Chan. She sure likes Decoration Day.

~Time Skip brought to you by Decoration Day~

I hung a big wreath on the door, with a huge red bow and sat down, exhausted. And then I saw Dante walk out of his house with a box in his arms.

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