The Wizard of Parties

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~A couple days before New Years Eve~

Garroth's POV

Laurance and I had been trying to make plans for a New Year's Eve party, but Laurance is not very creative, and I... get distracted easily. I was moping around on Wattpad reading fanfics when I lightbulb went off in my head.

"Laurance! Get in here! I'm a genius!"

He came out of his room, phone in hand, and said "Garroth, don't get a big head over one idea. It might not even be a good one..."

I shook my head, not phased by the mean comment. "Laurance, I found our solution! Y/N planned the Christmas party, and it was super fun! Maybe she'll help us plan!"

He tilted his head, thinking about it. He slowly began to nod, and then exclaimed. "Garroth, that's a great idea! I'll text her to come over right now." He turned on his phone, thumbs flying across the screen.

"She'll be here any minute."


Laurance texted me asking me to come over as soon as I could, so I threw on some makeup and ran out the door. I knocked on their door, heaving. Laurance opened the door and let me in. Garroth handed me a glass of water and sat me on the couch.

"Chill Y/N. You didn't need to run over here, you know." Laurance said sitting down.

I just grinned. "I know. I need the exercise. Plus you said it has urgent."

"It's not that urgent. Laurance and I just wanted to plan a New Years party, and we thought you could help us. You're good at this kind of stuff." Garroth said, turning away slightly. It looked like he was turning pink.

I smiled as wide as I could. "I would LOVE to! I'm glad you think I'm good at something." My smile faded as I remembered a bad memory. I quickly shook it off and smiled again, but it was slightly fake. "Let's start, huh?"

~Time Skip brought to you by your mysterious past...~

I stood up from the table. "I'd better be getting home now. Glad we could finish everything- and don't forget to invite everyone and get the supplies, okay?"

They rolled their eyes and grinned. "Don't worry, mom~. We'll have everything ready if you do your part!"

"Of course! See you then!" I yelled back at them as I walked across the street.

"Hey girls~! Come down here please!" I called up the stairs. I heard doors slamming and footsteps.

"Wassup, Y/N?" Aphmau asked with Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan in tow.

"I've got a little wager, if you're interested.~"

Katelyn threw herself onto the couch and rubbed her hands together. "I'm in. What's the deal?" KC and Aph sat down and looked at me curiously.

"So, the guys are having a New Year's Eve party, and I thought, 'you know, what do you do at New Year's Eve parties?' And then I remembered: I know a lot of people's crushes..." I trailed off, grinning (slightly) evilly.

"Uuuh... Kawaii~Chan doesn't follow you, Y/N~Sama." Kawaii~Chan flicked her ear and tilted her head. That is when I may have gotten a little out of control. I started laughing like an insane person.

Katelyn then slapped me in the face, bringing me back to Earth. "Thanks Katelyn." I said, rubbing my cheek.

"I bet all of you to kiss your crushes at midnight tomorrow!" I said, giggling at their faces.

"Uhhh... fine. Kawaii~Chan will do it. Will Y/N~Sama invite Reese~Senpai to the party for Kawaii~Chan?" KC said blushing.

"Of course. Katelyn?" I asked, turning to her.

"Ugh, I already said yes. Whatever." She rolled her eyes.

"Yes! Aphmau?" I looked at her pleadingly.

She blushed. "S-sure. What if we don't do it?"

"Right. If you guys don't follow through, you have to do everyone's chores for a week."

"I like it! High stakes!" Katelyn clapped her hands.

"Then we have a deal?" I said holding my hand out.

"Hold on. Are you in on this?" Aphmau asked suspiciously, pulling back her hand.

"Of course! Now shake on it, all of you." We did an awkward hand pile-thing, and then everyone went off to do their own thing.

Love you, my little stars!

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