The Kiss

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I did it! Two chapters in one day! I guess being sick can have it perks.

Dante's POV

"I didn't know you ate only sweets! I thought you just liked to bake them a lot." I had never talked to Kawaii~Chan like this before. It was nice.

"Yeah! Kawaii~Chan has always been that way! She doesn't know why though..."

I glanced at the clock and saw it was 11:59. I turned back to KC, but quickly did a double-take. 11:59! It's practically midnight...

"Hey Dante~Kun.. Thank you for spending time with Kawaii~Chan tonight. She really appreciated it." She blushed and looked at me with her golden eyes.

I leaned in closer and whispered, "I had a great time tonight Kawaii~Chan. Thank you." We stared at each other, until our noses were touching. I leaned forward and kissed her gently. Her lips were soft and tasted like sugar. I slowly pulled away and smiled.

She blushed and turned away. "K-Kawaii~Chan needs to go home and sleep. T-Thank you for the party, Dante~Kun. See you around!" She ran out the door, looking back once before blushing and turning back.

I grinned and walked slowly to my room. I finally kissed my crush.

Aphmau's POV

"What is it you wanted to tell me, Aaron?"

"Aphmau, thank you for being here for me. Without you, I don't know where I would be. I wouldn't have opened up. For that, I say thank you." He hugged me, and I hugged back.

"That was so sweet Aaron! Thank you!" I pulled back a little a looked at him. He was very handsome with the dim moonlight reflecting off his black hair. Before I realized it, we were kissing. I pulled away slowly, looking up at him. He looked down at me with his dark eyes, and smiled gently.
"May I walk you home?" He asked softly. I nodded, and we walked to my house, hand in hand.

Katelyn's POV

I hate to admit it, but I had an amazing time with Travis. I tend to approach things cautiously, ready to punch, and Travis taught me how to avoid that. Apparently that's what he was like until he met Dante (who made flirting his go-to instead of hitting). I asked him out back so I could kiss him without anyone watching. At first, it was just so I didn't have to do the chores, but...

"What was it you wanted to ask me about?" Travis looked at me with his emerald green eyes.

"I- Had a nice time tonight Travis. Thank you." He blushed lightly, and looked away.

"I enjoyed talking to you without getting punched. Heh." He smiled.

I leaned in close, startling him. "Katelyn?"

"Thank you for putting up with my punching. I just can't control my anger sometimes. Talking to you tonight helped that a lot." He leaned in, and our noses almost touched.

I did it. I closed my eyes and our lips connected. I enjoyed every second of it. I don't know if that's good or bad, but I did. We leaned back and stared at each other.

"Y- You wanna hang out sometime?"

"Absolutely. Away from these guys though. Too loud." He laughed and put his arm around me.

"Deal. May I walk you home?" I nodded and we walked to my house in sweet silence.


"Y/N why are you blushing?" Zane asked.

"I-I- It's midnight." I blushed even harder. Zane's eyes widened as he realized.

"Y-You don't have to you know."

"Well... I kinda made a bet. Don't tell anyone. S- Shall we?"

He mumbled something about him mask.

I reached slowly and pulled down him mask. He didn't resist for once. There was still a slight bruise from our accident. I stood up tall and leaned forward. My heart was racing. I didn't like Zane. Did I? No, I'm nervous because I'm kissing a guy I only met a couple months ago.

He stood still, staring softly into my eyes as I leaned in. Our lips touched, and it surprised me. His lips were soft, and tasted like berries. I pulled back and looked away.

"Thank you Zane."

"Yeah... C- Can I walk you home?" He stuttered.

I nodded and took him by the hand. We walked to my house, where he dropped me off, and left for his own house.

"Bye Zane." I whispered inaudibly. "See you soon. I hope."

Awawawawa!!!1!1!! Author~Chan is sooo happy! Sooo cuuuuuute!~
Love yooooou!

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