Dating Start!

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Well, being sick has its perks. Another chapter! The next one will be the finale, and I'll publish it once it's finished.

Secret code: F/F= favorite flower


I woke up the next morning and groggily stumbled up the stairs. I stayed up well past midnight, laying in bed, thinking about Zane. I couldn't tell how I felt about him. At first I thought I just wanted to hang out with him because he was fun and goofy, but after last night... Maybe it was more...

I plopped down at the table and saw that the three others girls probably got as much sleep as I did. We all sat around in groggy silence until there was a knock at the door.

"I got it.." I dragged my feet and threw open the door. "Gah! Zane!? H-Hi! W-w-what's up!" I frantically straightened my hair and stood up straight.

"I- ah... was wondering.. maybe i-if y- of course, you don't have to... w-what in trying to say is..." he took a deep breath. "Will you go on a date with me, Y/N?"

I bet my cheeks were as red as a tomato. "I- I'd love to.."

We planned it all out and I shut the door. I sighed, and realized just how in love with Zane I was.

~Time Skip to Le Date~

I was wearing a F/C dress, knee length, with a cute belt around the waist. I put my hair up in a bun as well. I thought I looked pretty decent, and spun around in the mirror until the doorbell rang.

"I'm out, girls, bye!~" I opened the door, and jerked to a halt. Zane was wearing a nice tuxedo, with a tie that was my favorite color, matching my dress. The thing that caught me most off guard was that he took off his mask.

"A-Are you okay?" He asked, flushing light pink. I shook my head.

"Yeah, I'm fine, it's just- you look amazing, Zane." My face was on fire.

"T-thanks. You're eyes match your dress flawlessly. S-Shall we be going?" He gently took my hand, and we stepped into the warm evening air.

We went to dinner at Olive Garden; he found out from Laurance it was my favorite. Then, we walked through the park, which was lit up beautifully. We stopped my an ice cream cart, and Zane bought me a flower from a flower cart. It was a F/F, my favorite!

Around eleven, we had ended up sitting on a bench in front of the pond. I stared at the crystal reflection of the full moon, thinking about the events of the evening.

"Thank you Y/N." he whispered in my ear.

"For what?"

"Thank you for being so kind to me, even though I pushed you away."

"Well, everyone deserves a chance, right?" He laughed gently at that, and sighed.

"I- I- nothing" he trailed off.

"No, please tell me. You can trust me." I turned towards him, taking his hands in mine.

He smiled. "I- I've never felt this way with anyone before. Y/N, y-you make me feel special and important. You make me feel complete. I- I guess what I'm trying to say is- Y/N, I love you."

I didn't say anything. I just flung myself into his arms, tearing up. "I love you too, Zane."

He pulled back, and put two fingers under my chin. He lifted my head up, so we were face to face.

"Y/N, will you be my girlfriend?"

I nodded, smiling, and stared into his dark eyes. He leaned in close, and we kissed. It was a beautiful kiss, and only the reflection of the moon saw it.

Aaaaaaa!!!~ *dies of fangirlism*
Love you, my little stars!

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