Alec ~ Blind Date

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A/N: using a general description for the girl Alec meets, you can change it to match your traits/gender as you read

This turned out a lot longer and more strung out than expected and I might even make it a full on book or series or something but hey enjoy

I also have no idea what this is, I just wrote and ran with it and just didn't stop but I'm pretty sure no one really reads this so it's just for me


"Izzy" Alec hisses, "Please, tell me this is a joke"

"No joke, Alec, you need to live a little" Izzy sighs, "With our parents plotting an arranged marriage for you, I figured you could use a little push in the right direction"

"And that direction would be?" Alec replies

"The direction you should be taking, the one that you choose instead of one your forced into, maybe even the direction of love"

"Ugh, I should have expected this, you always meddle with my love life" Alec grumbles, slipping on the shirt that Izzy hands to him, "But did it have to be with a mundane?"

"I met her at one of my mundane meetings to help me with my yin fen addiction, I think you'll like her"

"Great, so she's a mundane addict!" Alec protests, "Perfect!"

"She is not an addict Alec, she's a sponsor, she helps those with addictions"

"So? Helpful mundane or not, she's still a mundane. Where is this date thing anyway?"

"I organised with Magnus to have it at the Pandemonium, I figured you would be more comfortable in a setting you're used to"

"Pandemonium? A known downworlder hangout? With a mundane?" Alec insinuates

"Yes" Izzy smiles, "And do me a favour Alec?"

"What now?" Alec rolls his eyes

"Loosen up a little and please..." Izzy pleads, spinning him around and messing with his hair, "be nice to her."

"No promises" Alec huffs, walking out the door


You had just arrived at Pandemonium and figured you were just a little too the sense that you had chosen to wear simple black leather jeans, your favourite and most worn out boots and the shirt Izzy had given you, which was a lot more revealing than your taste and the only thing that was helping to blend you in even the slightest bit within all the girls in skirts shorter than their attention span with each guy they danced with.

When Izzy said club, you had thought inner Brooklyn, somewhere well know like Output or The Social Butterfly...not a small, hidden club with the word 'DEMON' in it's name

You brace yourself, gripping the strap of your handbag before walking in, flashing your I.D at the guard and giving your name. You got in instantly...Izzy had mentioned knowing the owner of this club...

You walked in hastily and quickly found a place at the bar, ordering a drink by randomly pointing to one listed on the drinks menu while keeping your eye out for the 'tall, dark and handsome' descriptor Izzy had given you. All though that meant any of the 50% of the guys in the club could be him

"Y/N?" A bored and cynical voice asked from behind you

You spin around, coming face to face, well more like face to chest, with a tall, dark haired guy with bright hazel eyes, heaps of tribal looking tattoos and a very unhappy look on his face

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