Simon ~ Sun and Snow

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PROMPT: "Let's cuddle so I can steal your body heat"

It was a cold, -1000 degree night in Brooklyn - okay, maybe not -1000, but it sure felt that way.

Rain had just finished falling in it's icy ribbons less than an hour ago, replaced by sparkling, white, crystalline snow, pristine and perfect. Completely untouched by the grease and oil and dirt of passing people's snow boots.

Winter was my favourite time of the year. The cold, the excuse to bundle up with a comfy blanket, fuzzy socks, a good book and a cup of Java Jone's must-have takeaway orange hot chocolate.

Simon, my boyfriend, however, was not so partial to the cold. In actual fact, he kind of hated it.

"Ugh, it's too cold!" Simon complains from behind his front door, only his head sticking out from behind it

"Are you kidding me?!" you exclaim, twirling slowly in the slow so as not to slip on the ice, "It's beautiful out here!"

"You are so cute" Simon smiles at you, "But it's cold, so get your ass in here, now!"

"Fine, fine, buzzkill!" you scowl at him playfully before hanging your scarf on a hook near the door, followed by your giant, puffy black coat that Simon's mum got you for Christmas last year.

"It's like an icebox in here!" Simon groans, pushing his glasses up as he glares at the thermostat

"Are you kidding? It's like 90 degrees in here!" you shake your head, before adjusting the thermostat to 95, "You're such a baby"

Suddenly, your feet leave the ground and you squeal as Simon scoops you into his arms, carrying you up to his bedroom and chucking you onto his bed

"What's with the man handling?" you giggle, adjusting to a more comfortable position in his bed. It doesn't stay comfortable for long.

"Come here" Simon growls, jumping on to the bed and pulling you close, cuddling into you, "Let's cuddle so I can steal all your body heat"

"No, Simon" you whine, wiggling.

Normally, you love cuddling but in a 95 degree house, it was like hell. With you love for winter and the cold, your distaste for heat was just as intense. You despised it.

I mean, come on, you're all sweaty and the sun practically assaults you every time you step into it and may I remind you about sunburn and skin cancer? The worst you can get in the winter is a cold - unless your stupid enough to wear next to nothing in the winter and get hypothermia or pneumonia or something...

"Please, I'm cold!" Simon whines

"Simon, it's 95 degrees in here! We're practically in Australia just being in this house right now!" 

"Pleeeease" Simon draws out, pouting

"Ugh, fine" you sigh, "But only if we go out in the snow for an hour afterwards and you knock the thermostat down to 80"

"No, I'll freeze!"

"Hey, it's a lot easier to get warm then it is to get cool, you know?" you point out, "All you have to do is wear more clothes and grab more blankets. Easy"

"Well, if you wanna get could shed some of those layers" Simon smirks, wiggling his eyebrows

Your eyes narrow, "Simon Lewis, do not test me"

He pouts, "Fine. It's a deal"

"Agreed" you smile, triumphant before snuggling into Simons arms

Technically, you won more than it was a compromise. You love cuddling, you get to play in the snow with your boyfriend and knock the thermostat down.

You shuffle, ridding yourself of your shirt, chucking it across the room. Simon stares at you, wide eyed.

"What?' you tease, snuggling back into his arms, "I'm taking your advice"

"I am totally keeping the thermostat up now" Simon gulps

"Shut up, Lewis" you giggle


More shit, sorry guys.

But, hey, Simon! I haven't done another charachter in AGESSSSSS! Hopefully, this was good enough. 

So much of me is in this imagine too - I love the winter and hate the heat so much! And I'm in Australia right now so I'm stuck in 32 celsius right now. Euch.

Happy Reading!! xx

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