Jace ~ Protector

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PROMPT: "I'm not going anywhere"


You were walking down the street from Java Jones, your favourite spot in all of Brooklyn to study, veg out, catch up with friends, anything basically and tonight was no different but at the same time, completely different.

You could keep hearing noises...screeches and squeals almost like a dying rat and it worried you...so you moved faster, trying to get to your car as quickly as possible but before you could, something strong and heavy knocked you down, sending you scattering across the street and into an alleyway

You groaned, holding your head in your hands as you sat up and as you pulled your hand away from your forehead...you could see blood

"Oh my god" you whimper, scurrying up to your feet and scoping the area for your attacker...but all you could see was pitch black

Suddenly, you feel a body smack you against the wall and you scream, loudly but a hand cuts it off, smothering your screams.

You focus your gaze forwards and see a pair of blue eyes...although one has a small section of brown in it. He puts his finger to his lips, telling you to be quiet before raising his eyebrow, asking if you'll comply

You nod slowly, strangely trusting of this random person who for all you knew, could be your attacker.

He releases his hand from your mouth and you inhale slowly but before either of you can make another move, someone else grabs the blue eyed boy away from you, throwing him back and into the opposite alley wall

"Jace!" A male voice yells and a tall, dark haired guy runs into the alley from behind, tackling the other man who had grabbed Jace and thrown him

Although it wasn't a man at all...it was a monster. It seemed like a normal middle aged man, except for the fact that it's face was split into four and each part of it's face had long teeth attached to it

You screamed.

"Izzy I need back up!" the black haired guy screamed, rushing over to fight the monster away from his friend

You whimper, running into a corner of the alley behind a bunch of trash cans and you sit there quietly, watching as the two guys and another girl, Izzy, start to fight the...thing using some sort of glowing sword and a snake looking whip

Before long, Jace the guy who had stopped you from screaming earlier stabs the creature and it evaporates into a cloud of smoking ash. You whimper, retreating further into the corner. Who knows what they could do to you with those things?

"Where'd she go?" the dark haired guy asked Jace, "If you lost the mundane we are so-"

"It's ok, Alec" Jace reassured his friend, "I know where she is"

You gasp, covering your mouth with your hand when his eyes settle directly upon yours and he starts to walk towards you

You whine, scrambling to your feet, "Please, please don't hurt me"

"Hurt you?" Jace scoffed sarcastically, "I just saved you"

"Jace, be gentle, she's scared" the girl says from behind him

"I get it, Izzy, I know how to handle mundanes"

"Mundanes? What is that? Why do you keep saying that? What was that thing? And what are those?" you fire off repeatedly, pointing to his tribal-like tattoos

"You can see my runes?" he questions, surprised

"What are runes?" you ask

"You have the sight?"

"I don't know what you're talking about!" you cry, "You're not making any sense!"

"Hey, hey" Jace says softly, placing his hands either side of your head and looking into your eyes, "It's ok, I can explain everything just not here, it's dangerous ok?"

You nod, swallowing, your eyes wide with confusion and shock

"You can trust me, ok? You know that you can trust me, right?"

You nod, words completely evading you, weirdly enough you did trust him, ever since you first saw his eyes, you knew you could trust him

"Then let's go" he called back to his friends, releasing your face, "We have to go back to the institute"

"Wait!" you whimper, "Please don't leave me"

"I'm not leaving you" Jace reassured you, "I'm not going anywhere"

"O-ok" you sigh, stepping out from behind the trash cans before you start feeling incredibly lightheaded.

You feel yourself falling and wait for the impact but instead, feel a pair of strong arms catch you, pulling you up from the floor and into their chest

"I got you" Jace whispers into your ear, before moving forwards, towards his friends, "You have no idea what you're in for"

In that moment, you knew that that thing, those questions, this whole ordeal...wasn't going to end anytime soon

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