Alec ~ Runes

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There was no doubt you were incredibly nervous.

After all, you'd only just found out you're a Shadowhunter...and by 'just,' I mean you found out not even 12 hours ago, was shipped off on a plane to New York, sat in a ripe smelling taxi that smelt of salami and sweat, dreading what the hell awaited you behind these massive wooden doors you're stood in front of.

You wrap your leather jacket tighter around yourself, the New York City chill bristling through your body and chilling your bones. Of course, the anxiety isn't making you any warmer either.

Taking a deep, hopefully calming breath, you grasp the brass door handle and push the door open...

The vintage, historic stonework and marvellous brick archway capture your attention immediately as you step through the doorway and into the hallway. You continue marvelling at them as you take another curious step forward, but only for a second before spotting the high tech screens and computers placed all around the room in front of you.

Intrigued, you walk further down the hallway, reaching the archway and stare into the high-tech looking war room, a giant open room adorned with stained glass windows either side and intriguing triangular shaped stone overhead lights buried into the roof of the room, accompanied by an antique-looking rug settled over the strangely luminescent floor below your feet.

"Wow" you whisper, eyes wide and inquisitive as you soak in the details of the room - it's the perfect blend of old and new and it was beautiful

"Yes, quite spectacular, isn't it?" An woman's voice with a hard edge speaks and you whirl in surprise, face to face with a tall, black haired woman with a stern face lacking a smile

"Yeah" you chuckle breathily, "Yeah, this is all pretty new to me, so..."

"Ah, you would be Y/N Y/L/N then, I presume?" she states

"Uh..yep, that's, that's me" you stutter nervously

"Mmm yes, we've been told all about your arrival" the woman utters with a sour and distasteful tone, as if I were an unwanted burden upon her, "I am Maryse Lightwood, co-head of this Institute, meaning I am a very busy woman"

It was more than unsettling that the friendly yet stern nature had turned to instant repugnance just by the mention of your name.

Someone gave you the impression you aren't wanted here...

"Therefore, my son, Alexander, will show you around and give you the lay of the land as I have more important, pressing matters to attend to" at the name 'Alexander,' she speaks a little louder, as if calling him and, sure enough, a man of about 19 or so with hair as black as his mother's and a face just as displeased strides over.

The closer he gets, the taller he becomes, until he reaches his mother's side, towering over her at twice her size, meaning you were about a 3rd of his. It was intimidating.

"Mother" he addresses her as if addressing his boss, "You called"

"Yes, I need you to show Miss Y/L/N around and start her on her training schedule. She's new to this world, like Miss Fairchild. Do see that she's well aware of the rules by end of day" she instructs robotically before turning on her heel and stalking off

"It's Y/N" you pipe up automatically and Alec frowns at you slightly, his hand drifting behind his back, pulling his posture up and giving him a more professional stance, "You don't need to call me by my last name"

"You're new, then?" Alec muses, ignoring you, "How much do you know about the Shadow World?"

"Uh, I'm a Shadowhunter, this place is where I'll be trained, 'all the legends are true'...and that's it" you confess sheepishly

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