Alec ~ Teach Me*

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I think it's about time ya'll get some smut, huh?

I don't know how tame I'm gonna make this, I'm just gonna start and roll with it so just a quick warning this could get very, very, very dirty. Just saying.

Anyways, enjoy?

Oh and just so you know...yes, that is actually Matt Daddario in that gif


You were freaking the fuck out.

This kind of shit didn't happen, people didn't do this on a regular basis. This was the kind of stuff you saw in movies, not in real life.

Then again, 'real life' to you had been changed forever when your best friend, Clary, had told you she was a Shadowhunter.

Either way, this was a ludicrous idea...but you did it anyway.

"Uh, hey, Alec?" your voice echoed into the room as you walked in

Alec opened his eyes slowly, having been asleep, but as soon as he saw you, he was suddenly alert, his words rushed in panic "Y/N? What? What's going on?"

"Nothing, nothing, everything's fine, I just..." you trail off, considering whether or not this was a wise idea

You and Alec are very close friends, despite his apparent hatred for Clary. In fact, every time you asked why he hated her and not you, he'd dismiss it, say you were different, that you weren't annoying and she was, but it still puzzled you.

Regardless, that was definitely not the reason you were here, in Alec's bedroom, at 2am, trying to figure out if you had enough guts to request what you wanted to request.

"Well..." Alec says, looking at his watch before his groans, eyes widening, "What's so important you have to wake me up at 2am?"

"You know what...nothing" you backtrack. Suddenly, this idea was just way too stupid, besides, you were tired, clearly not thinking properly...right?, "It's not important"

You pivot on your heel, heading back to your room but Alec's voice calling your name stops you and encourages you to turn back around.

"Well, I'm awake now" Alec sighs, sitting up in bed "May as well get it off your chest"

Huh. Funny choice of words, very ironic.

"I...uhm...holy shit this is so awkward-" you mumble under your breath before cutting yourself'd only just noticed Alec wasn't wearing a shirt

You stare at the toned muscles below the skin and the shiny, black tattoo-like runes that you loved so much but couldn't have...

"Like what you see?" Alec jokes

"Maybe" you joke back, only half joking

"Seriously, Y/N, tell me what's up" Alec persuades you, patting his bed, "Since you woke me up and all"

"You know how I have that date coming up?" you ask him, sitting on the bed

Alec nods and you notice his jaw go rigid but you dismiss it as a trick of the eyes.

"Well, you know how...actually, you don't know that, that's why I'm here" you mumble quickly, your words running together out of nervousness

"Spit it out" Alec chuckles, the slightest of edges harshening his tone marginally

"Well...I don't want to look like an idiot...but I'm 21 now and I know that on a date...that kind of stuff is bound to happen or at least be expected from me and I kind of don't have any experience at all in this thing and-" you stop yourself from asking what you came here to ask, still unsure of whether it was a good idea.

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