Alec ~ Nightmares

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Like before this is a two part - one where you have the nightmare and one where he does :)



You awoke to the sound of a small, pained whine. You opened your eyes, you already knew it was Alec who has made the sound. He'd been having nightmares ever since he'd been badly hurt in a mission a few nights before. You were never sure what the nightmare was though, he would never tell you when you asked and you didn't want to push him so you let it go...but you hated to see him like this. So scared and tortured.

You watched his face with pitiful eyes, his own eyes were squeezed shut, mouth in a grimace and you remembered what it was like in the infirmary, after he'd first been hurt...


You held Alec's hand tight in yours as the medics weeled him into the infirmary. The surgery was over and he was on the mend, they assured you - but you couldn't help but worry at the sight of him.

Pale, sweaty and limp...but at least his face was peaceful, sound asleep and safe and comfortable - for now at least.

"If he shows signs of trauma or pain, re-draw his healing rune - it won't help the pain but it will help the healing" the doctor said to you. You nodded, taking note of his words carefully, making sure to remember them. You hated to see him hurt, but in the Shadow world, it came with the price of being a Shadowhunter, you all knew that

It didn't make it any easier when someone you cared so deeply for was hurt though.

You took a seat in the hard, plastic chair by Alec's bed, with no plans to move from it. And that's exactly what happened. You stayed, one hand in his, for hours, you stayed when Maryse and Robert left, when Izzy left, when Jace and Clary and Max and Magnus and everybody else left. You refused to leave or change or shower or even move an inch.

Later that night, you heard a soft groan and you shot up, alert and aware. You noticed Alec's expression, twisted with torment. You frowned, patting your pockets for your stele, before spotting it across the room. 

You slowly pulled your hand from Alec's, beginning to move towards your stele when you felt a hand grasp your arm. You jumped, shocked, and spun around

Alec's eyes were open wide and you could see the panic in his eyes, "Stay"

"Alec, I-"

"Stay" he insisted

"But Alec, I need to-"

"Stay" he pleaded, squeezing your arm desperatley

You sighed, relinquishing as you moved back to his side. You loathed seeing him in pain, but you knew he needed you, here and now, not to leave his side as you'd done all day

"I love you" Alec whispered as his eyes slipped closed

"I love you, too" you whispered back, kissing his hand as you laid your had on the bed by his side

*end of flashback*

You'd not left his side since, not for a minute. You practically moved into his room, taking the position of primary carer. That's how you knew he'd been having nightmares.

"No" he whined softly, his eyebrows knitting together

"Alec" you murmur, slowly shaking his shoulder

"No! No, no, no!" he shrieked, panicked

"Alec!" you shout, shaking his shoulders more vigorously, "Alec, Alec wake up!"

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