Alec ~ Movie Night

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This is short and fluffy and maybe stupid but I think this could be cute and I saw a prompt and wanted a break from the sad and sexual imagines lol

Sorry if Alec seems out of charachter in this but I wanted to mix it up a little.

Also, sorry if you get more preferences than imagines right now but Uni is squashing me and tbh I'm surprised I've been this active thus far...i don't think it will last haha

WARNING: SPOILERS FOR HARRY POTTER!!!! (though if you haven't seen the movies yet, what are you doing with your life ahha)


You and Alec were a good 5 movies into the Harry Potter series and so far, he was enjoying it, which made you especially happy considering that Harry Potter had been most if not all of your childhood.

Of course, because he belonged in a Shadow World with real witches and warlocks, he had a few things to nit pick at.

"Why do they call them wizards?" Alec frowns, "The correct term is warlock"

"Alec" you groan, slumping into the couch next to him, "This is a fantasy world and the people playing these parts do not actually believe in this stuff"

This had to be the 6th time you'd had to explain this to him and, still, he couldn't understand.

You press play on Netflix and smile as the introductory song for the sixth movie of the series begins, the lilting, haunting piano creating a shiver of anticipation.

You really wanted Alec to like these movies and he knew this. He originally had no desire to watch any kind of mundane cultured films or tv shows but knew that this particular franchise was important to you and, if he was honest, he was actually kind of enjoying it.

At least half way into the movie, Alec groaned when Draco Malfoy popped onto the screen and you turn to him, eyebrows raised

"Got a problem with Draco, huh?"

"He's a terrible person" Alec scolds, "He's so nasty to everyone, especially Harry, Ron and Hermonie"

"Hermione" you correct, stifling laughter

"Hermione, whatever, that really is a strange name" Alec huffs, "Aren's her parent's mundanes?"

"Muggles is the correct term, babe" you can't resist correcting him again and he glares at you.

You shrug, giving him a, 'you knew what you signed up for look' before looking back at the screen, Draco was currently buddying up with Filch and Umbridge, getting 'medals of honour' for his duty to the school

"Honestly, teaming up with this woman?!" Alec grumbles and you giggle, unable to stop yourself

"Damn, handsome, you're really getting into this, huh?" 

"Well, yes, because he's so stupid and nasty and it really annoys me" Alec crosses his arms and you try not to laugh

"Well, babe, maybe give Draco a chance?" you suggest and he looks at you incredulously

Swallowing your comments, you remain silent, not wanting to spoil the rest of the series for him. Of course, by no means was Draco a favourite charachter of yours but at the same time, you like the depth he had, the inner layers of wanting to stay out of things and wanting to be with his parents and alive yet wanting to do the right thing.

Personally, you related to Draco now more then ever since the changes in your life that had led you to the Shadow World and Alec.

"A chance?" Alec scoffs, "He's so horrid! Always doing what's best for him, he has no concept of self sacrifice"

"He's a kind of complicated charachter, Alec, it's hard to really make a deduction when you haven't watched all the movies nor read the books"

"You know what, no, it's really not that complicated for me" Alec rebuts, "He's just a terrible person"

"Okay, okay" You raise your hands in mock surrender, swinging your legs up onto Alec's lap as you lay back, wanting to enjoy the rest of the movie

Alec stays silent, one hand on your knee as he watches the next events tensely. When it finally gets to the battle of the Death Eaters and the Order, you feel the tears begin to prick at your eyes, knowing what was coming.

Finally, Sirius got caught in the crossfire and Harry broke down. You sob loudly and Alec's head snaps to look at you quickly, his face softening

"Babe?" he whispers and you look to him, tears in your eyes, "Come here"

He gestures for you to come over to him and you do so, scrambling into his lap and sobbing against his chest as he hushes you.

Sirius' death had always affected greatly, even when you'd only read about it and it made you cry every time. You kind of related to it, as your entire family had also been killed early into your life.

You knew all about what having no family was like.

When the movie ended, you were still in Alec's lap and you pulled back to face him

"Did you like it?" you sniffle

"No" Alec glares, "It made you cry"

"Aw" you laugh, "Apart from that?"

"It was good" Alec confesses, "I still don't like that Draco, though. What kind of name is that anyway?"

You chuckle again before pecking him on the lips, "I love you"

"I love you" Alec responds, kissing your nose softly before scooping you into his arms and carrying you to bed.


I don't think I like this...was there too much Harry stuff in here? Sorry, I'm reading the books currently and am obsessed haha


Happy Reading!! xx

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