Chapter 4

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My head was throbbing.

I lay there for a few moments in complete confusion as to why my head felt this way, until everything came crashing back, increasing the ache I was feeling already. My heart picked up it's rate, but I forced myself to be calm. I had to go to school and who would want to see a girl hyperventilating in the middle of the hallway?

As I got ready for school and put on my jacket and backpack, I played in my head about what'd I do when I saw Bretton. I wouldn't take the bus, that was for sure. But I don't really think he was in any of my classes.. it wasn't like I checked to see if he was in any of them anyways.

I searched my kitchen cupboard until I found a Nature Valley's granola bar, and decided to eat it on the way to school. I'd have plenty of time to eat, since school was fifteen minutes away.

Closing and locking my front door, I head down the sidewalk towards school grounds. It was slightly cooler than yesterday, and since it was the middle of January, that's when the weather decides to come in weird patterns. It'll be warm one day, and all of a sudden a polar wind comes and makes it twenty degrees below.

I was shivering, and not because it was cold out, but because of what will lay ahead of me once the bell for school rings, signaling the beginning of school. Which would mean I would be trapped for 7 hours. I usually pass him in the hallways, and since Chelsey tagged behind me to get any chance she could to destroy me, he was usually near her side.

I wasn't all too sure on why Chelsey hated me, but I guess since she was Queen B and I was Ms. Freak antisocial, she was destined to make my life a living hell. I pulled my white Hollister sweatshirt closer to me as the school building came into view. As the words 'Sunsdale High' lay ahead of me, I stifled a sigh. As of any other day, people were dotting the area in their own little groups, waiting for the school day to begin.. unlike me.

If I could have, I would've skipped school and stayed home, eating some icecream and watching chickflicks. But   of course I was terrified about my mother's reaction if she got my absence call from the school, it wouldn't have been like me to miss    a day of school, even if I was sick.

I headed straight to my locker, pushing past the student body in a hurry. I wanted to beat Chelsey to my locker, and head to my homeroom in time to succesfully avoid Bretton. I wanted to have a calm day at school today with no suprises, emberresment, or self humiliation. The list goes on.

But of course life hated me.

Miss Queen B was leaning on my locker, chewing on a wad of pink gum, her right pointer finger twirling her blond hair in circles. "Lea.." She half-yelled, a smirk forming across her face.

"Might wanna wipe that smirk off your face Chelsey, don't want any of the students to run away screaming." I said. "Now do we?" My hands immediatly went to cover my mouth, I was just as suprised as everyone within hearing distance at my sudden bravery. My face heat up, and I started to put in the code to my locker until Chelsey dug her pedicured nails into my wrist. I yelped in shock, her nails were long and sharp. It hurt like hell.

I pulled my wrist out of her dangerous grasp, and backed up. I was not going to fight her, I would not have a cat fight. People started to swarm around me and Chelsey, yelling 'fight! fight!' or 'get that b*tch Chel!' I was trapped in a tight circle of excitedteens, desperate for some action, and drama to make their boring lives more interesting. I twirled in circles, looking for an opening, but found none. No one would help me.

Why would they? 

"God dammit." I whispered, turning back to the furious blonde. Her heels clacked as she approached me, her hand raising for a vicious smack. As her hand made contact to my cheek, I clenched my teeth, a shaky breath escaping my mouth. The rings she wore on her fingers made it even more painful. When I made no move to fight Chelsey back, she pushed me down onto the school floor, everyone hooting and hollering. Their yells filled the halls, and I was suprised when no adult seemed to notice the chaos happening in the middle of the hallway.

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