Chapter 12

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My neck was cramping.

Slowly lifting my head, I found myself sleeping on one of the couches, my head was resting on a sleeping Carly's back, Sally was pretty much on top of me and boy was she heavy, Tina was sleeping on the other couch all to herself, and Phione was half on the couch, half on the floor. I couldn't help but laugh at the sight, making everyone stir.

Why did my laughter end up waking everyone up?

"Tina!" I yelled, when her eyes opened.

"What?" She said groggily, rubbing her eyes.

"Okay, so me, Sally, Carly, and half of Phione was sleeping on this couch, and you get that one all to yourself?" I ask in disbelief. I wasn't mad at her, I was just surprised.

"Ya." She laughed, apparently she was the only one who didn't wake up with pain, because as everyone started to wake up, they all complained about how they hurt.

"Get her!" I yelled, pointing my finger in Tina's direction. We all sleepily scrambled off the couch, and chased her around the room, and out the door. We thundered down the hall, down the stairs, and around the bottom floor of the house. We sounded like one fat herd of elephants.

As she turned into the living room, we spotted Bretton, Dennis, Micheal, Jake, Chad, and Braxton. "Get them!" I yelled, and we -including Tina- (though we had some unfinished business) and tackled the boys. I jumped onto Bretton's back, bringing him into a head lock. Us girls were all yelling our war yells, which rang through the house.

I knew that we soon started to lose, the boys were too strong. "Retreat!" Phione yelled on the top of her lungs. We all scrambled out of harms way, and dashed up the stairs, in one large fit of laughter.

Once I heard the boys chasing after us, I got a little scared. We were at a dead end. "Girls." I said nervously, and we all joined into a shrieking huddle, watching as the boys got us cornered.

"Mercy!" Carly cried.

"I don't think so." Micheal playfully dragged her from our group.

"I'm sorry, one man for themself!" Sally said.

"Hmm, who else is ready for punishment?" Bretton tapped his chin, and my eyes widened. Uh-oh. "No one can ambush us and get away with it." He took two wide steps, and was at me.

"Help me!" I cried to the girls, and I dramatically clawed at the rug. "Traitors!" Oof, I've had too much sugar or something. The girls energy was just so addicting. He pulled me into his arms, the familiar tingles spread across my skin, making my heart accelerate faster than one should.

I could see Dennis getting his mate, Sally. Leaving Phione to deal with her brother, Jake. I felt sorry for her, but I knew we were all in for the same trouble. "What should I do with you?" Bretton whispered in my ear, making me shiver.

"Let me go?" I laughed shakily, looking into his eyes.

"I don't think so." He picked me up bridal style, and I wondered what I was in for.

"Where are you taking me?"


"Not a very descriptive choice of a word, but okay."

I watched as he just turned the corner. "Just somewhere where we'll be alone." My eyes widened, we should not have ambushed them.


"We are never, ever, ever ambushing them again." Though if we were to, and I'd get the amazing kiss Bretton gave me ten minutes earlier everytime, I wouldn't really mind it.

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