Chapter 6

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I gripped my pillow tighter, wanting more than anything to have Bretton near me.

I didn't know why he made me feel this way, making me think these thoughts, making me do these things. It was confusing, but astounding at the same time. I flailed helplessly in bed. I had been tossing and turning all night, and wasn't able to get a blink of sleep.

Throwing the comforter off of me, I made my downstairs.

For the past six days I'd known Bretton more closely, I've been so restless without his presence. I read the clock that was on the microwave, and groaned when it said '3:00 am.' It's been a whole week since the fight with Chelsey, and the taunts, and words just keep getting worse to the point where I'm barely in school. My oh so perfect record is now destroyed... thanks to Bretton.

Since I wasn't at school, Bretton would miss it too. He'd spent hours at a time at my house, but leave on some occasions saying the same "I have to go." He was so mysterious. But over the time I've talked to him, the closer we got.

I know that he has five siblings, Tala at two years, Randi at six years, Conan at thirteen years, Phelan at sixteen years, and Primus at twenty years. They all lived in a large house with their parents, Lucy and Dean. And other family members also lived in the house. Which I found strange but I didn't question it. He plays football-which I already knew-, and prefers pancakes over waffles. The list goes on with what I learned about him, and I was glad he was so open about his personal life.

I told him about some of my life, but I didn't tell much considering I wasn't too fond of my past, and that I myself didn't know too much about it. Just that I had two parents that were never home, I lived in the house I live in now since I was born, and I just love to write and draw, read, listen to music, and do my homework. I left out the criminal part in my families life, worried he'd never talk or see me again.

I sipped more of the coffee I made, knowing I won't ever go to sleep tonight- or any night at that. Sighing, I left the kitchen and entered my father's office. I liked going there when I was lonely, or needed time to think things over. But, when I came in I knew right away that something was off.

Placing my coffee mug on his desk, I searched the room until my eyes fell upon my grandfather's self portait. "Sh*t." I rushed forward, and moved the delicate painting carefully to the side, revealing a damaged keepsafe.

"No no no no no." We held thousands of dollars in here for safe keeping, among many journals and notes that we preferred to keep locked up. If someone had known about what was written in it- I don't even want to think about it. I heaved the broken door to the keepsafe open, and my heart sunk. Everything was gone.



After the incident, I immediatly went to my room to mope. My parents would be furious, and I would have to pay, considering I should have been watching over it. The only person that had been coming to my house, was Bretton. But I know for sure he didn't do it, I was near him the whole time he was here. Unless he snuck in. Though I doubted he'd known something was hiding behind the painting. I knew for sure he didn't do it, so I dropped the doubt I had torwards him.

School had started, but I wasn't going, no matter what my parents did. I was not going into that hell hole people call school. I gripped my sheets tighter to keep calm. I've been really moody these past few weeks and I wasn't sure why.

I heard my door open, and I instantly ran down the stairs. "Bretton, you won't bel-" I stopped dead in my tracks. "Who are you?" A man in a leather jacket, with black shoes and pants stood near my door, a smirk plastered on his face. I paled instantly knowing it was that wolf man thing.

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