Where Did He Touch You

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Lucius's POV

She hadn't let go of her strong grip on me since i picked her up in the sun room. I shouldn't have left her alone, but i had to take the luggage to her room so that way it would be ready for her when she wanted to retire for the night. That stupid demon moved faster than i anticipated... i never would have guessed he would make such a bold advance on my mistress, then again her scent was intoxicating as claude stated. I kept my eyes forward as i walked down the hallways and turned corners until we arrived at the room that was prepared for my mistress. Even after i entered the room and closed the door she clung to me like a kitten avoiding water. I went to the bed and sat down and began rubbing her back with my hand as i tried to calm her nerves. She must have been in shock after having someone handle her in such a manner, it was most likely from the fact it was a butler more than anything else. She did not understand why Claude did what he did, and it was upsetting her mind.

"Young mistress please try and calm down...... what happened? Where did he touch you?"

She remained silent as she buried her face in my neck shaking slightly. When i had walked in he was holding her fast by her wrists and was staring down at her chest. His face was inching closer to it as if he were going to kiss or bite them whatever his intentions were. I did not care though i simply knocked him off his feet and stood there guarding her. I was so enraged by his acts, he had no bounds when it came to contracts and souls. It was all fair game for him, but i for one was not about to have my hard work wash down the drain and allow him to take her soul from me.

"He touched my wrists... my hands... my arms... he was so cold.... it was awful. He looked at me with this look that i can't describe, but i felt as if he were staring at me like a piece of meat.."

I was having a hard time hiding my anger as i listened to her speak, that damned spider touched my human... my mistress and my contract. I held her head close to me as i began rocking side to side the way i did after she had nightmares. I never understood what was so comforting to humans about being rocked in a general direction, but for whatever the reason it always calmed her down. Her body began relaxing under my fingertips and her thoughts where calming down the more i rocked and rubbed her back.​ Strange to think that i am being comforted by a demon.... and yet i want nothing more than to have him continue holding me like this... ugh.. why does he make me like this... i need to keep my mind out of that area... or i may end up falling for his trap again. Hm... so she is enjoying the feeling of her in my arms... I would normally speak to her but i think i'll just take this advantage and scoot myself to a better position in order to hold her closer to me. I moved back on the bed resting my backside against the headboard and pulled her legs up closer to where she was now sitting horizontally across my lap. Her head was resting on my shoulder as i held her tight in my arms. If i could get her to look at me long enough, i may be able to trick her into desiring another kiss.. I couldn't help but feel a small sense of foolishness, here i was a demon. A feared creature of power and trickery, craving the taste of this young girl's lips and the sensation of her skin under my fingertips. I have seen her exposed from head to toe many times before, and each time i have held myself back as ordered. But my patience was growing thin, i did not think i would be able to take much more of this torture if i did not receive these nightly kisses she granted me. Sure they may not have been her original thoughts, but i had to think of some way to get her thinking about it otherwise i would lose my sanity and i knew that's what she was waiting for.

"Lucius... bring me my nightgown."

"Do you not wish to bathe tonight? I can have the bath prepared for you soon."

"I do not want to be left alone.... that man claude.... he frightens me. Fetch my gown and then return."

I released her from my arms and went over to the wardrobe that i placed her gowns in. I grabbed her favorite one, it was a long black gown with purple lacing all down the side as well as two drawstrings that rested at the front. I went back over to her and saw that she had removed her gown by herself and was left in her undergarments... why... why must she always do this to me... I smiled at her as i lifted the gown over her head and brought it down over her skin after removing her bra. She was looking down so sadly as if someone had told her another person she cared for had died. She never had someone overpower her like that before so it was understandable. But i could not stand to listen to her thoughts circulate around that damned spider any longer! I tilted her head up and kissed her forcefully and i could hear a small squeak of surprise pass from her lips during the kiss. Her body began falling back against me as i moved over her and kept the kiss going for as long as i could before she could regain control of her thoughts. Her body was close to mine and i could hear her heart beating fast within her chest and her hand grasped my arm lightly as i could feel her body weakening against my touch.

Jade's POV
I was taken aback by his sudden movement, it wasn't as if i looked any different than i normally did when he dressed me at night. But here he was kissing me so deeply it made my mind go blank and the replay of what claude did no longer played through my head. My body was pressed against the bed and his moved over mine as the kiss became deeper. I moved my hand to push him away and ended up grabbing onto his arm. I was weak against him, the only thing i could do to defend myself from him was to order him from me with my mind. But the words refused to form and soon his lips were at my neck and caused my chest to tighten as the sensation sent chills down my spine. So soft, delicate and yet filled with passion and fire it was overwhelming and my body refused to listen to me. I could feel his smile against my neck as he licked my skin and then whispered in my ear.

"Your mind may say no...... but your body is saying yes... what do you say my lady, your wish is my command."

He tugged at my ear softly as he finished whispering and my eyes opened wide as i pushed him off me telling him to stop.. I sat up and breathed in deep breaths as i tried to calm my thoughts as well as my body. I was resisting the urge to kiss him once more and it was a battle that was taking more strength than i thought would be necessary. He sat across me on the bed his shirt was opened and i could see the tone of his muscles perfectly in the moonlight. I tightened my fist and bit my lip as he began snickering at me watching my face twist in emotion.

"What are you laughing at you stupid idiot.... and why did you kiss me?"

"If you must know I'm laughing at your expression, but the fact that you allowed that other butler to fill your mind so much, i found it a little insulting so i decided to do something that would change your thoughts."

I raised my brow at him as he said that, what did he mean insulting? I was petrified earlier and the fact i was thinking about it was an excuse to kiss me like that.... and without my permission at that.. Hmph... Honestly he needed to control himself better.

"I find that reasoning to be faulty... Are you sure it wasn't because you just wanted to kiss me."

I smiled at him teasingly as i laid back down on the bed, the dress i was wearing wasn't completely pulled on and it was only over one shoulder and the rest of my body was exposed. If he wanted to kiss me he would have to kiss my feet unless i said otherwise, that would be the only exception to my orders. He looked at me and then his eyes lowered all the way until it reached my feet, he smiled and then leaned down and began kissing my feet.

"Your skin is so soft, i could trace my fingers along it for hours and be content by the silk under my fingertips."

He kept kissing my foot and i couldn't help but smile at this display... i had him wrapped around my little finger as far as i was concerned. This demon thinks he can trick me so easily, but without my consent he was unable to do anything. I lifted my foot up and tilted his head to look at me.

"Come up here and lay down, i am tired and i intend to use you as my pillow for the night, you may have another kiss if you desire but after that you are to make no moves towards me for the rest of this night. That's an order."

He moved swiftly as he pressed his lips to mine once again, but it was different this time. Instead of soft and gentle, it was rough and passionate and i could feel the fire burning from deep inside him from the intensity of this kiss. It made my heart swell and my body buckled under him as he kissed me fiercely. I felt weak again and so with the little strength i could muster i pushed him onto his back and leaned over him, my dress was now fully covering me at this point but his hands were pressed back against the bed as i sat across his stomach. I was staring him right into those river eyes of his as i smiled at him.

"Now i am going to sleep.... enjoy your night lucius.."

I snickered as i laid down and rested my head in the crook of his neck and fell asleep. My dreams were blank and the last thing i could feel was his hand rubbing my back gently sending me into a deeper sleep.

The Lady Shadowhive and her demon butler Lucius DracovichWhere stories live. Discover now