Chapter 1: The Omega

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Damn it.... I should've brought my desensitizers with me. Good idea, (Y/n), let's hop onto an Alpha infested warship and travel the universe without your desensitizers and hope for god's sake that with all the pheromones in the air your heat wouldn't activate! Good idea. Solid Plan. I think this mission will go swimmingly... I'm such a damn idiot....

The problem now it to stay unsmelled.... if the Alpha's smell me I'm doomed to shit.

I should've grabbed some of Casy's scent they would've probably made this worse....and he would've killed me for using some of the rare Alpha Alpha pheromones to do this menial task.

Damn Beta.

I pulled up my shirt's neck collar hiding my clamming collar from the Galra, they can't know that I'm unclaimed, let alone an Omega..... I just know if they see me I'm done for. Galra are the only race that can rip through a collar like it's nothing....and being on a ship full of them is not going to help my chances of not getting claimed.

I talked in a low tone into my com-set that was placed on the inside of my shirt, "I'm about two doors down from the weapons hold."

"Alright!" Casy said on the other end of the com that was placed into my ears, "Now, like we went over, put the explosive rounds into the guns and then get out of there!"

"I got it, you don't have to tell me again, damn Beta....." I mumbled

"The link is still active, (Y/n)."

"Don't patronize me, Casy--" Just as I said that red was all around me, an ear piercing blaring noise screamed it's way into almost making me deaf. Flashing lights startled me and the Alpha's around me, as if an intruder had tripped the alarm,

"What did you do?!" Casy screamed into the com-set

"I did nothing!" I called back horrified. I took a quick look around me, thought Screw it! and sprinted into the weapons hold so I wouldn't be found.

"Voltron is attacking! Everyone get ready!" Galra soldiers screamed as they sprinted past me.

"Did you hear that Casy?" I asked as I stood and began loading the plasma guns with exploding rounds a giant smile on my face fighting back the buckling feeling in my knees as if a force were beckoning me to kneel down and be knotted. Damn... this one is going to be a tough one...

"No, what's going on?"

"Voltron is here!"

"Save your stories for when you're safely back to Numa Gappa, okay?"

"No! I'm serious--!!" I gasped and fell to my knees.

"(Y/n)?!" Casy called from the other line "(Y/n)? are you caught? Is everything okay?!"

"It's here...." I said feeling everything around me get heated and blurring together, "Damn it..." I felt my clothes begin to cling to my body, my newly sewn clothes going to get solid and just tossed out. Like hell I'm going to spend two months to get my Omegan heat scent out of my clothes.

"What? Don't tell me you forgot!" he gasped angrily

"I didn't think I'd need....them...."

"You're right, you didn't think! You need to get out of that Alpha infested area! Who knows what they'll do to an Omega?! Let along an Omega in heat!!"

"I can't breathe...... Casy...."


"Keith are you alright?!" Shiro called

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