Chapter 10: Reunited

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"You ready?" Shiro asked into the headset as Keith and Casy got comfortable in the pod.

"No." Casy said coldly as he looked over to Keith and shifted so that he was as far away as he could be

"Yes, we're ready, Shiro" Keith said trying to not let Casy get to him. Casy had been negative this entire time. Letting out each and every little complaint that he could muster. Keith's fuse was getting shorter and shorter and he felt as if he were about to explode at Casy, however, that was not going to be the best idea since the two had to work together.

"Alright, I'm heading out, wait for my signal." Shiro called then going silent.

"Got it," Keith and Casy waited in the pod together, Keith's hands ready on the steering for Shiro's signal.

"You sure listen to him well," Casy commented, looking to Keith's hands and then towards the ground of the bod.

"He's the leader,"

"And? You both are Alpha's (you're obviously the stronger scented of the two, it's intoxicating), and yet you are at a lower rank than him."

"I've known Shiro for a long time, he's a strong and capable Leader that just so happens to be an Alpha. Even if he were an Omega, that wouldn't change who he is as a person." Keith responded

Casy let out a small laugh "Of course that would change him. If (Y/n) was born an Alpha than he wouldn't be in this position. He'd have an Omega of his own to care for and love, he would be fighting the Galra and not being used by them. Shiro is no different, if he were born an Omega he'd have a much different life." Casy said, actually making sense and not just trying to attack Keith

"You two ready?" Allura checked in with them

"Yes," Keith jumped "has Shiro signaled to us yet? I haven't--"

"No," Allura interrupted "Just making sure." It was as if she were stopping their conversation because she didn't want the talk to go any further (even though she could've muted them on her end... which she just ended up doing).

"Thank's Allura," Keith smiled as he then let out a breath and turned his gaze to Casy.

You are his mate... You are the one he belongs with and I am unrightfully lusting after a man that I have no right wanting. When we free (Y/n), I will return him to you, you two will live out your days together and make children... I just hope you two find happiness together...

"I know that you're thinking and I do not approve." Casy said before Keith could get anything in

"What?" Keith raised a brow

"You want to tell me that you are going to return (Y/n) to my side because he is my mate. But he is simply my Glantiin. I love (Y/n) with my entire being, and I will never fully hand him over to you... but you are an Alpha that loves him to the extent of putting your life on the line to save him from a race that abandoned you. I have never met an Alpha like you, a civil and kind Alpha that cares and actually wants what's best for (Y/n). You are willing to go in head first and fight your own people to save my Omega." Casy let out a breath and looked in front of him to the docking bay that they were still in "I may seem like I was going to do the same, but I am terrified of the Galra. I'm more bark than I am bite... They took my father from me and now they have (Y/n) for the second time. I can only imagine what they did to him the first time he was with them, and now that he's been with them for more than 60 rotations (days) I fear what has become of him. (Y/n) does not belong with a half-assed Beta who will most likely allow his capture again, but rather an Alpha that is able to claim him and keep him safe."

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