Chapter 2: The Alphas

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"Are you sure it's alright for us to enter?" Shiro asked, somewhat protective

"I believe so," Hunk smiled "The smell has gone down a bunch, and the Omega seems to be reacting to the suppressants I made them well and the heat should be over within the day. They're resting right now. They said if we needed them we could go talk to them." Hunk shrugged, "Allura said that as long as the castle is powered the Omega will be out of reach, plus she thinks two weeks still on this planet is enough."

The six began to take down camp. It was nice to be able to play Earthling for Coran, learning about telling campfire stories, and hearing about S'mores and other weird Earth traditions like that. And in turn Coran told them about the planet they were on, called Ikkjuyllo, a desolate planet, that was basically grass and warm climate for one-fourth of the world and then the rest was nothing but Ice and snow giants.

They walked towards the ship, everyone somewhat thankful they got to sleep in their Altean bed tonight, but also really weary about having that Omega on board.

"It will be okay," Shiro voiced, more to himself than to any of the other six.


"Is it alright if I come in, Omega?"

"Yes, though, I do have a name..." The Omega turned its body towards the person who called for it.

"My name is Hunk," Hunk said in a calm manner as he approached the Omega.

The Omega appeared so breathtakingly beautiful, thin and long like an Omega should appear. Their body proportions at the perfect distance from each other, their face very sensually shaped to a point that it even complimented their neck and clavicle, the face was a whole nother story. The Omega's face...their eyes (wide or thin) with simple curiosity, and illuminated at an (eye color) hue that made them seem like they were trying to seduce whoever was around them. Their lips plump and beautiful, oh....the hair! Don't even started on their hair! It's too gorgeous to put into words. Then there was a little adorable addition to their already perfect and innocent appearance. Where human ears normally sit placed on the sides of the head, were Earthly fawn ears. Soft to the touch, but super sensitive. Around their neck sat a collar, to prohibit an Alpha to claim them, a tradition lost to Earth but somehow still out here. They stood not that much shorter than Keith, but taller than Pidge....a happy medium.

"Yes, I know. You are the one who gave me the desensitizers." The Omega smiled, "Thank you, I owe you." The Omega sat in the center of their nest, seemingly still uncomfortable but managing somehow. The examination bed that they were on before had been dismissed so that they could be on the ground in the comfort of their scented nest.

"It's really no problem, I wasn't sure if they were going to work because you already started your heat...."

"I'm glad they did work...." The Omega let out a sigh "My heat is almost over anyway. There should, really, only be one more wave of concern and then it's over. But that wave should be minimal. The princess said that this fiberglass from a Haff's stomach should be able to contain it."

"May I..." Hunk thought for a second about the conversation he just had with Shiro "Would you be alright with me bringing in the rest of the team?" Hunk asked, hands in sight to show the Omega that he was of no threat "We have two Alphas and two other Beta's, I just want to make sure it's alright with you first."

"The Princess said this....prison....should hold up against the black and red paladin, so it's no worry for me. I'm fine with it. Plus if either of them dares enter my nest, it'll be worse off for them." The Omega shrugged their shoulders and resting their head on their knees as they pulled them close to their chest.

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