Chapter 6: Numa Gappa

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"Wait, what?" I furrowed my brows at my father "You wanted one of them to claim me??"

"Of course," Dad responded with a smile "I can't wait for you to get an Alpha and then your mother and I will have little grandchildren to take care of." Mom agreed to Dad's words with a shake of his head

"I am more equipped than an Alpha--" Casy began but Dad shot him a look as if to say 'not right now, Casy'.

"So what are your names?" Mom asked as he patted my back and I then took another bite of the Havlak to make him happy

"I'm Shiro, this is Keith, Lance, Hunk, and Pidge, we are very happy to meet you."

"Tell me a little about yourselves, Alpha's." Dad requested

"Uhh..." Shiro looked at me as if wondering if they should tell my parents about the fun adventures during my heat.

"They are all from Earth," I said after swallowing, "They saved me and brought me home. They're the Paladins of Voltron."

"THE Voltron?!" Dad gasped as he looked at them excitedly, his quills twitching with the movement

"Yes, Sir," Shiro said bashfully

"I thought a screw was coming loose in (Y/n)'s head! I never thought that Voltron would actually come back in commission! We never heard anyone talking about it but (Y/n) was bound and determined for Voltron to actually come back."

"So what?" Casy mumbled

"Casy," Mom scolded "You need to change your attitude. There are guests in the house."

"MY house, Mom. And so what if they are Voltron?! They're Humans and some not even fully human,"

"Humans are as capable as any species to pilot the Lions. You remember the old stories that said that the Lion's themselves picked their pilots. We have no say in who pilots them, and they don't either."

"It's true," Lance smiled "When we found the Blue Lion she wouldn't open for Keith, but she did for me."

"And?" Casy snapped "You were probably assigned her before you were even in existence. No matter what parallel universe you go through you're probably assigned to that lion anyway. Even if you were born an alien if fate had you as the blue lions pilot then you would be so." Casy let out a sigh "I don't care, it's him that I hate" Casy looked to Keith "I don't like that he's part Galra, they've taken too much from us already."

"Casy, stop. I apologize for his behavior, this is how he always is when an Alpha comes into his home. He tries to find the flaws in them so that he had a valid excuse to deny them."

"This is different! He's part Galra! That's not a simple flaw, it's an issue!" Casy shouted standing in aggravation. Keith noticeably winced at the words as if waiting for my parents to gasp, damn him to hell, slap him, or something.

"Casy, drop it," Dad commented

"What?" Shiro whispered furrowing his brows

"He probably doesn't like it any more than you do, did you ever think about that? He's part Galra, that's in his DNA and there is nothing he can do to change that. BUT he can change the man he is on the outside." Dad pulled Casy down to the ground to sit "Becoming a paladin of Voltron is a giant leap in the right direction," Dad looked over at Keith and smiled "Galra or not."

"I'm so surprised you are taking it so well," Pidge commented

"Why's that?" Dad looked over to Pidge, the little one, slightly caught off guard that one so small could be an adult Beta--or I think they are, they should be about 15 right? That's adulthood here (24 is the stepping stone into parenthood).

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