Chapter 7: The Separation

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Keith stared out at the top of his bunk as he thought about anything, anything but the nagging feeling in the back of his head to go back to Numa Gappa and claim (Y/n). Keith had never felt this protective over anyone, not even when Shiro went missing for that year! It was a completely new feeling to him, but the really painful thing was that (Y/n)'s scent lingered in the castle. The room in which the Omega was in for the three week long heat was sealed off because the scent lingered the strongest in there do to them scenting the blankets and pillows inside. Hunk had to go in and find a way to unscent them--which has never been attempted--because it was so bad.

It's been about a month since they left Numa Gappa, they were a few galaxies away and have helped countless distress signals, however, the communication device that Luka handed to Shiro remained inactive.

Keith and Allura haven't been seeing eye to eye lately, her being an Omega herself but being as stubborn as an Alpha made Keith feel as if worms were crawling under his skin. But when he learned why she acted that way, he felt nothing but pity--and he hated feeling pity towards a woman who undermines him at every given opportunity, as of late.

Allura shared with him, in full confidence, that she was born as a sterile Omega. She has no heats and no menstrual cycles. There is no way for her to get pregnant unless another Omega and an Alpha implanted their fertilized egg into her. She said it doesn't bother her that she doesn't get heats, however, not being able to bear children in another story for her altogether. She vented to Keith, in a slight high pitch as if she were defending her honor or something, or as if Keith didn't know what it meant to suffer the thought of never having a mate to love him unconditionally with all his character flaws.

Keith noticed that Shiro was being affected as well. As time went on he noticed that Shiro became irritable and slightly snappy with his commands, as if he needed to get laid badly. But the funny thing was, not only were the two Alpha's being affected, but also the Beta's were too. Hunk seemed to lose himself in thought more often, Lance seemed to stop mid sentence to contemplate something, and Pidge was found off of her machines talking to the mice more, even Coran seemed off a little bit.

All because of an Omega they all had known for three weeks.


Keith tried to keep his eyes trained on the gladiator in front of him. The cyclops blue eye determined to up his level of battle and himself wanting nothing more than to be able to beat Casy and make him know that Keith was more than apt to protect (Y/n). He knew that a few fancy moves were not going to win over Casy, that he was going to have to actually pose a threat and make it known that he would win in a fair fight. That's why, right now, Keith was fighting barehanded with his bayard across the room with his jacket hanging up and the gladiator wielded a shocking stick just like the first time the Paladins were in the ring with said fighter.

Keith had never been on his ass more, well other than when he was with the Blade, but he doesn't want to think about how out of their league he is.

"Keith, you need to stop and take a break," Shiro walked in after watching in the above room for almost an hour

"I'll take a break when I can protect (Y/n)," Keith said than being slammed into the side, shocked with electricity, and thrown across the room into the wall. He let out a little gasp

"End simulation!" Shiro called half jogging over to Keith and helping him up after the gladiator left on the floor, "Keith this is insane, you're going to end up in the cryopods if you're not more careful."

"You don't get it, Shiro," Keith winced "I have to do this," Keith stood up "Begin level ten."

"Keith this is insanity!" Shiro called "You were just on level six--"

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