Chapter 11: I'm More

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[A/N: Above is a rough idea of what I picture when I'm writing the family. I put my own style on the reader, also the original clothes got lost in this quick sketch, head over to my Tumblr to see the Reader's cannon clothes (the others will be there eventually).]

I know I am asleep. I remember Casy placing me in the healing thing that Hunk put me into last time. I know that I'd lose the sense of time and wake up when my heat was actually over, however, I didn't think I was going to see was a play-by-play of my past.

Actually, I don't know if I can call it a play-by-play. It's more of just small memories coming back slowly, stacking up on each other as if trying to form a memory pyramid.

I remember Casy's relationship with me as I was younger. He did not like that we had to be together by law. He actually began to rebel against the idea that we were destined and blamed my existence on his parent's death. He never did get to meet them.

Since his parents perished before he could even learn the genders he assumed that I was born just like him: Beta. During my first heat, he was startled and shocked at how my body "reacted like a woman's". That day was when my father taught him what our difference was, and that was also the first, and only time, my mother would help me through my heat (honestly he had better things to do than care for me).

These memories are not my favorite. They leave a bad taste in my mouth.

When Casy and I were 13 and 15, his arms were holding me tight as I cried out as hard as I could. He had just called me a terrible name--one that I can not remember and even if I could I doubt I could repeat it without being thrown into jail. He felt so bad with my reaction, he saw how he broke me emotionally. That's when we started to bond. He felt bad... terrible better describes it, actually. In the end, he was the one to start the abuse and the one to end it.

He never let me think of myself as a useless Omega in his presence ever again. He cuddled and coddled me. He practically worshiped me and cared for me hand and foot. He was there when I forgot to take my suppressants and he protected me against anyone that would try to get close.

Regretfully, on my 22nd birthday, Casy went to talk to the Council. He decided that the trip to them was worth it and that he was going to try to reason with them. I told him to not go just yet because of the brigade of Alpha ships landing and I didn't think that leaving Dad to defend both Mom and I was a good idea, but Casy went anyway. Mom hadn't come back home since his adventure to the market, so without requesting that I go fetch him, I placed a scented scarf on and ran out to get him. A brute grabbed me from the market and loaded me onto his ship. This brute told me his name was Sendak, he was the original to kidnap me. However he immediately passed me to Rue. Rue did nothing to me while on the ship, however, he did chain me and tell me that if I didn't behave then he'd condition me, but that was it at the time.

Rue had me for no more than a week before he passed me on to Zarkon.

Now, this was a terrifying experience. I didn't want to be with Zarkon, and I even lowered myself so much as to beg Rue to not give me over (even then I begged him). But he was under Zarkon's orders back then.

Zarkon took good care of me. He didn't chain me, and he even let me roam by myself, for the most part, while he waited for me to go into heat. He let my heat hit, and let it hit me hard. He made sure to use me right before my heat actually happened so that I'd be needier during my actual heat.

You see, when an Omega goes into heat any Alpha can take care of them, any Alpha can use them, even several Alpha's at one time can use them. The Omega can have as many partners as they desire until they are claimed and their scent gland is broken by being bitten into by an Alpha's teeth. Once they are claimed, said Alpha that bit them is now the sole Alpha that can comfortably have sex with the Omega. If any Omega that is claimed tries to have sex with another Alpha that isn't the one that claimed them then they will be in extreme discomfort, the sex will not be enjoyable, and the Omega may even die because of the pain and exhaustion.

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