Chapter 13: The Council

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"Keith?" (Y/n) called through the communicator

"(Y/n)? Is everything--AH!--okay?" Keith answered back to them in an instant. Rumbles and shots, explosions and screaming were heard in the background. Mumbles of the other Paladin's telling Keith to put the communicator down and pay attention to the current fight.

"If you're busy I can call later--"

"No, it's fine--Watch where you're shooting Lance!" He said, sirens sounding in his vicinity "What? Who the hell do you think it is? Yeah, (Y/n). How should I know? That's what I'm trying to figure out, if you'd stop asking questions!" Keith let out a sigh, "Lance says, 'Hi'." Keith spat something back to Lance, in an unknown tongue to (Y/n), and turned back to the communicator, asking something in more attitude that he really deemed necessary for it, "(Y/n), what do you want?"

"When you're free, why don't you come down to Numa Gappa?" (Y/n) laughed lightly imagining the face Keith made with the silence.

"After this battle, we can. Why, though?"

"I'll tell you all about it when you get here, okay?"

"Why can't you tell me--damn it! Lance, shot them not me!--now? I'm not that busy-!!"

"Keith, it's fine. Go. Fight. Win. I'll see you after, okay?"

"Alright, Bye."

"Bye." (Y/n) disconnected their call with Keith, a huge smile plastered all over their face.

"You two are so gross," Casy commented as he bumped hips with (Y/n), "but it's good to have someone like him."

"Forget 'bout that!" Luka yelled picking (Y/n) up and twirling them around "I'm so proud of you!!! You stood your ground against those Council Bastards!"

"We're all proud of you," Jinji added as he placed a hand on Luka's back encouraging him to set (Y/n) down. Luka did so with glee as he then messed with their hair and giggled like a schoolgirl.

"Casy told me before we entered to not let them undermine me just because I'm an Omega and Keith gave me words of encouragement too. So, I just didn't let what the Council say get to me."

--------------------[The Council Meeting]--------------------

I walked slowly to the front of the room. The Seven Beta's and Five Omega's that make up the Council sat looking down on me. Their faces scrunched to a disappointing scowl.

"Omegan Tikki," Council Chairman, Beta Kingco, said in his high and mighty voice, "You and your family have broken the law for the last time."

"Chairman, in truth, I have never personally broken the law."

"Omega Tikki," Kingco said in a firm manner, "you were assigned to the Galra Alpha, Rue Yoogi, for a reason. We, the Council, made a rule for you to follow and you decided to disregard it completely because you found him not Alpha enough. You were assigned to Rue Yoogi because Beta Tkkni's parents broke the law, for that they paid the death penalty. Your parents allowed them to do so, your Omegan father was dragged into it by the influence of the Beta's. Now you, the youngest (and only) Omegan Tikki, have been saved by Beta's and Alpha's thinking that they know the law of our land. You allowed them to break the law. We will not make the mistake of blaming the Beta's this time. We will put you under watch by the oldest Beta of the Grrant family, Happlat Daxter Dev Grrant. He will become your mate if an Alpha does not mark you by the end of this Gappian rotation [about an Earth year]."

"I do not accept this." I said shortly

"Excuse me?" Kingco raised a brow

"You're excused, Chairman." I said taking a step closer to them all, "Destined Pairs," I said earning hushed whispers amongst the council

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