Chapter 12: Long Distance

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"No," Casy said crossing his arms, "I won't allow it."

"Casy, it's happening. There is no discussion."


"You're the one that wanted this in the first place, so why can't I?"

"Because you belong with your Alpha, not back on Numa Gappa!" Casy tried to hold back his anger, but it was slowly slipping from him.

"I'm not ready to live with my Alpha," (Y/n) let out a breath "Keith understands that after going through what I just went through, I'd rather be with my Beta and Omegan family rather than in the presence of two Alphas."

"He's your mate, for crying out loud! You should be with him no matter what!" Casy felt queasy saying the word mate, knowing all too well that his Glantiin was no longer his to have and to hold.

"We are going to be talking. We are going to use the communication device to talk when we can. He'll be busy saving the universe and the three of us will be busy dealing with the Council." (Y/n) smiled, "I love how you want me to be with my mate, but we're technically not even mates until he claims me."

There was no arguing to be done. They were in front of Numa Gappa, standing in front of a pod that would transport them down and then return to the ship after. There was no time to argue this.

"Just let him into the pod, Casy," Jinji laughed at Casy's antics, as was everyone.

Casy looked to Keith for backup, for something to be said to keep (Y/n) on the ship. But it was not going to happen. Casy felt his heart drop,

"I don't want you...." Casy held back what he was going to say stopping at the worst time.

"What?" (Y/n) said in a whimper

"I can't let you enter the pod, (Y/n)."

"Casy, what's going on? Why can't I get into the pod?" (Y/n) worriedly asked trying to pass Casy but he, instead, grabbed them and held them in an embrace.

"You have to be with Keith... I'm not..."

"You're not, what?"

"I'm not strong enough..." Casy wheezed out holding (Y/n) tightly "I'm not strong enough." he repeated more clearly as he hid his face in (Y/n)'s neck.

"Casy, you don't have to be--"

"I do have to be strong!" Casy separated from them and pushed them slightly "Dad and I couldn't even compare to Rue!! There are stronger Alpha's out there and what if they come to get you? I'm not strong enough to protect you... I can't watch you be taken from my arms, again."


"If you stay here, with Keith... With everyone... they'll be able to protect you more than I can. I know you're not ready, I know you're afraid that Keith might not be the right Alpha for you, I can feel you wanting to return home and be with all of us. But if you return home..... I can't protect you... especially not against the Council. Their word is absolute. Once you land home, they have full control over what happens. They have full jurisdiction on our destiny. We've just spent 74 rotations to make sure that you came back to us in one piece." Casy let out an over exaggerated sigh, "I can't watch the Council do what they wish with you. I'd rather take the punishment myself and let you live... even if that means giving you over to Keith. I care--no--I love you. I wanted us to grow old together and become something, but once I realized what it meant to be your Glantiin I knew the hardest thing was going to be handing you over so that the damn Council wouldn't get to you. I was too late, the first time. I was too weak the second. Do not make suffer a third."

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