Chapter 3: The Beta

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"I am so sorry!" Shiro apologized, holding an ice bag to the top of his head with a gasp of the cold, his head finally clear of the rut. He glanced over to Keith for a second, who was holding an ice bag to himself as well and looked totally torn and defeated. He then looked at (Y/n) who was covered in bruises and shallow bite marks. Their body once porcelain and now the complete opposite. Shiro and Keith had no idea what they had done, all they remember was that they were by the dining room one second and the next they were on the ground by the foot of the nest. "Did I...?" Shiro looked at the collar dismissed onto the ground, obviously pried from the Omega's neck roughly, enough so to leave a nice purple shaded ring bruised around (Y/n)'s neck. He turned his gaze to (Y/n)'s face, which was avoiding his own look. They were covering up the back of their neck in depression with tears dripping down their face. The cryo-suit that Allura had allowed them to borrow was torn and just barely covering them up.

"...." (Y/n) stayed silent as they looked down to the ground at their collar, obviously obliterated and torn from them as if it was mere paper. 

They looked like the knew something.... something terrible.

"Alright, let's take you to the cryopods..." Hunk quietly said as he kneeled in front of (Y/n)'s nest, not daring to enter it after seeing what would happen to Alpha's who weren't welcome, "Okay?" (Y/n) nodded their head up and down, knowing that the cryopods were going to help in some aspect, at least get the scars off their body.

"Keith?" Shiro looked over to Keith, they were both lost and confused as to what was happening. All Shiro could remember was leaving the room because (Y/n) warned him that the last wave was going to come sooner than them arriving to Numa Gappa..... then he found himself tied to the ground with a huge migraine and the taste of blood in his mouth, and Keith barely remembered even that much information.

"Neither of you did anything wrong....." (Y/n) said in a raspy, shaking voice, "It was my fault...." (Y/n) was taken by Hunk to the Cryopods after that comment.

"What does that mean?" Shiro questioned wide-eyed "Keith?"

Keith shrugged his shoulders.

"So you two are back to your senses?" Lance asked as he walked in with some beverages and a plate of green goo for them

"Lance, what happened?" Shiro asked as Lance placed the tray of food in front of him

"You two went ballistic. The smell was thick and hard to get through, even as a Beta, so being Alpha's it was no wonder you fell right into a rut. You both said that (Y/n) was your Omega and even began fighting each other. Keith demanded that you stayed and, seriously dude," Lance looked over to Keith "That was a terrifying voice.... You listened to the demand, though, Shiro, which was surprising to all of us. Then Keith went around kicking down doors to get to (Y/n), to protect him and defend the nest, or whatever. When Keith got to (Y/n) that's when you (Shiro) decided that you weren't going to take orders from Keith. So you took the fight to Keith who was with (Y/n)... I don't think I've ever seen Alpha's fight so hard for an Omega. Keith tried to get closer to (Y/n) and broke the glass with one strong kick...." Lance looked over to the glass wall that was completely obliterated, the metal holding it in place curled and torn at the seems. "You both rushed and tried to enter into his nest without permission. He got really anxious and defensive. He ended up beating both of you up for entering his nest, even though he was weakened from the heat he still kicked both your asses," Lance laughed painfully and ended with, "There was a long while of a struggle, though. And he refused to allow any of us into his nest so we were all just watching the struggle of a distressed Omega in heat fighting with two Alpha's in a rut... You both were trying to tear his clothes off and mark him in every place you could--."

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