Chapter 5: The Galra

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My eyes closed and my body wearing thin.

I'm a complete idiot. I didn't eat that much, and with Casy's story, my appetite is scarce. I don't like hearing that story.

I feel light headed and sick to my stomach. My heat took a lot out of me, as usual. Princess Allura (the one woman I never thought I'd get to see because a Female Omega is just so rare) had given me some food now and again, but I was in such a state that I don't even remember her really being in there. I remember being on the ship, feeling my body slick itself, and the ship falling....then Allura introduced herself and after bathing myself she told me that I had been in heat for a while. She asked if I wanted to eat anything and I told her I wasn't in the mood... everything after that, especially with the Paladins, is a consistent blur as if I were high on Lukkor berries. Well, everything except when Keith came waltzing into the room that I banned Shiro from, fought with Shiro, kicked the glass through shattering it and then proceeding to rip off my collar.

The look on his face.

The anger he had as he fought reminded me of him.

All I could hear in my ears were the muffled arguments of the six outside the basement. My body shocked as it reminded me of that time I escaped from him 2 months ago....I guess by now it would actually be 3 months... time sure does fly when in heat.

He had me for a whole month and one painfully long heat. If I ever tell Casy, or Dad, what happened while I was there they'd kill any or all Galra, and I can't put Keith in jeopardy like that.

3 months ago I was a complete and utter idiot. What's new?

I was out of the house, during one of the mating seasons, the air thin and crisp as if to warn me that what I was doing was stupid. I was going to get my Omegan father (who likes to be addressed as mother/ Mom) because we usually hide out the mating seasons together as Casy and my Beta father (who is addressed as father/ Pop/ Dad) watch over us. But mom wasn't there and I didn't understand why he dared be in the market when there were several ships docking nearby. I made it to the market, nervous and feeling slightly uneasy.

"Mom!" I called out to him

I don't really know what happened, but the second I saw him everything went black and I was being lifted from the ground with metallic and brute force. There was fabric encasing my whole body which had a very heavy Alpha scent to it. I called out trying to defy the person who was manhandling me, but they didn't speak to me.

"Where are you going?!" My mother's voice called out "He doesn't belong to you there are--"

"It belongs to me now. Omega's have no rights in this world. Do not fight for its sake." the deep-voiced Alpha snarled.

"You can't take him, we have laws.... Even for Galra"

"The laws of this land do not apply to me. I take what I need and you can not do anything against me." the Alpha Galra shifted his weight as if to defend himself.

"Give me my son back." Mom demanded

"Son? This is no son. This is an object. Omega's are nothing more than a gender to open their legs, get knotted, and have children. They do not belong anywhere else. If you start putting value in them you are mistaken."

"I'm going to stand my ground--"

"The Galra will come and get an Omega in a solar turn and a half anyway. Why wait? The Omega will be treated with love and affection. It will bear Alpha's for the Galra. There is no bargain."

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