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"Mommy!! Daddy!! Get up! It's morning already!!" Jericho and Kyoto both exclaim proudly as they jump on Keith and I early one morning.

"Morning they say.... we are in space... No..." Keith grumbles as he moves slightly as if to ward off the children with one swift flick of his wrist.

"Daddy!!! You have to wake up!!! DAAAAADDDDDYYYYY!" Kyoto screamed in a wanting manner as she then grabbed Keith's wrist off the bed and started to pull him upward. Keith groaned in defeat

"...I'm up..." Keith moved upwards bringing me along with him. We both end up blinking tiredly looking to our children jumping up and down on the bed as if they were ready for something that we were unaware of

"Haha...Daddy, your hair looks bad!" Kyoto laughs into her hands. I can never get used to our kids calling Keith 'daddy' it just fits him so well.

So far, it's been seven years since the day they were brought into this world. Time seems to be an allusion and get the best of us. They just got to five WAY to fast, let alone now seven for the both of us. Though, if you ask Keith, he'd never want their baby days back. Jericho was too needy and Kyoto was too loud. A lot has happened since, but we're still so very happy.

Keith has fit the father "criteria" very well. His Alpha instincts kicked in instantly and he was in protective mode for the first two years. He became more timid once they both had their first words, Kyoto's was "Skrew" (she was with Pidge who almost had a panic attack that she "stole" Kyoto's first word) and Jericho's first word was "Please" (Hunk and Lance were teasing him about eating and they kept missing his mouth on purpose with the spoon, then making Jericho beg for the food). After that, like I said, Keith had calmed down. Jericho followed him around constantly saying 'please' as if saying it in different tones meant different things.  Keith was always the one to scold them, unless Shiro was around then it was both Alpha's scolding the children.

I remember this one time when Kyoto was four she broke something of Pidges right in front of Pidge and Shiro, she smiled so brightly when Shiro got up to scold her. She yelled to Shiro: "Yell at me! Growl like an Alpha!". We found out that Kyoto actually liked to hear the growl from an Alpha because Keith had trained the two to hone in on it in the womb.

"Key! Don't be so rude to Daddy!" Jericho gasped, using the nickname that Lance had come up for the two of them on their birth day.

"Why are we up?" Keith asked rubbing his eyes and stretching, looking to me with a tired smile. I gave a small shrug and looked to the two,

"Today's Lion day!" Jericho cheered

"Lion day?" Keith asked

"Keith," I laughed a little now knowing what was up. "Today's the day you and Lance promised to take the two out in the lions, remember?"

"No..." He blinked several times "I don't."

"Uncle Lance is getting the Blue lion ready," Kyoto said "Maybe we both could just go with him," She glanced to Keith waiting. She had to wait a whole four seconds for it to click

"Like hell I'm letting him take the two of you in the Blue lion! I'm not going to be beat by him, again!" Keith jumped right out of bed and started getting dressed in his paladin uniform, grumbling to himself.

Kyoto had figured out Keith and Lance from day one, practically. She'd pin them up against each other in such a perfect way that only a mastermind can do. Jericho on the other hand only likes to be around Hunk, like, he doesn't mind Lance and Shiro, but he had announced one day that he much prefers Hunk over anyone, sometimes even more than Keith.

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