Chapter 16: It's here....

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[Warning: Somewhat Sexually Explicit Content.]

We were going to do this heat together. That was the deal.

I wasn't sure how bad it was going to be, but we both knew that we'd be okay (for some reason).

It's been a couple of days since we decided to have kids, my nest hasn't really grown in size but more in structure. Keith has limited what I can and can't use in my nest, but truth be told he can deal with my scent on his things. Keith said he'd confront the team about me going into heat rather than taking pills but with Hunk walking in early this morning, and interrupting my nest making, made me realize he hasn't told the team.

"Sorry, I didn't realize you were--!!" Hunk covered his eyes almost dropping the box of pills

"I'm not naked. You've seen my nest before, plus, it's you... so I don't mind." I rubbed one of Keith's black under armour (one of the things he told me to stay clear of, but also the one thing he has a plethora of) on my scent gland. Wrapping it around my neck and making sure to have it fully coated with my scent.

"Why are you building a nest? I-If I may ask!" Hunk placed the box at Keith's bedside as he walked carefully by my nest which I decided to settle in the corner of the room on the opposite side of the bathroom.

"Keith hasn't talked to you guys?"

"I don't think so..." Hunk raised a brow as he respectively stood out of my way and looked towards Keith's bed. Even if I told him it was fine, which I did, he still will not break the common courtesy to let an Omega make a nest in their privacy.

"Keith and I have talked about it, in length. Like, we stayed up for a good hour or two talking about it to make sure we were both on board... and we want kids."

"Now?" Hunk questioned in a concerned tone, "He's like 20, at best, and you're what? 22? That's a little too young to be having kids."

"Weren't you the happy one when Dad and Keith were talking about it at the house?"

"It's not that I'm unhappy, I just..."

"You're the voice of reason, I get it. Keith's warned me a few times. I understand your concern, but Keith and I have talked about having kids. We both made sure we were both ready. However, we have yet to discuss how we are bringing them up, or even names... hmm... Hunk, does this look circular to you?" I asked standing knowing he'd agree with me even if it wasn't.

"Yeah, it looks fine." He didn't even move, keeping his respect but betraying his rules of not lying, "I'm sorry if I seem like I'm not on board with you two having kids. I just think we're all too young to have to worry about kids running around and frigging with the ship and our missions. I don't want them to get hurt and I don't want you to regret having them so young."

"Hunk, I don't know how things are done on Earth, but if nothing had happened in my past, if I was just a normal Gappian, I'd be married to my Glantiin and we'd be having a child, or in the realistic sense I would've been left with Rue and probably bear his children. For a Gappain I am old to want to have kids, the age one usually gets pregnant is like....16 or 17? My parents were barely that when they decided to have me (however, it did take a bit for conception)." I smiled walked up to Hunk leading him out so I didn't feel like I was talking to a brick wall. Hunk faced me as we talked right outside the door, "I understand your concern for Keith, and it warms my heart that he has someone so dear to him, but please understand that I love him. Hunk, I love Keith. And I want to carry his children." I held my stomach and smiled just thinking about a small foot kicking and telling me that there was a child growing in there... our child.

"I will be there for you two, but how are you going to break it to Shiro?"

"Keith was supposed to tell all of you. My heat will hit in a few days, so that should give him enough time to talk about it. When he brings it up, just pretend like you didn't know, or whatever you feel comfortable doing." Hunk didn't stay for that much longer, he decided to let me get back to making my nest, and speaking of nest. Keith doesn't have enough clothing and bedding for my nest. I don't want to go around and ask the others. Keith told me not to tell them, but it seems like he doesn't intend on telling them either. 

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