Chapter 18: Goo War II

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My eyes were heavy trying to convince me that I didn't want to get up. I felt the haze of my heat lift, however, I am not sure how that went in general. I woke up to an empty bed, Keith nowhere in the room and the only thing to welcome me was intense pain in my hips and a stinging sensation on the back of my neck.

So, we obviously did it, but it's kind of concerning that I remember none of it... I kind of wanted our first time to be with me aware of what's going on. Not, waking up in pain in my hips and a stinging on my neck.

Wait... a stinging on the back of my neck?

I've never gotten out of bed so fast in my life.

Bed? When did I leave my nest?

I tripped over the sheets and myself a few times as I ran to the bathroom. I moved my hair and posed myself so I could see the back of my neck. My heart stopped for a second, I stared at it. Slowly scaring over (or at least not bleeding) was none other than a deep claim mark right where my main scent gland is. I ran my fingers over it, wincing at the pain and jerking tears to my eyes.

I belong to Keith. I am his! No, way! WAIT! This means... if he claimed me he also knotted me. He... he... Damn heat, I wish I could remember how it felt! What does his penis even look like? How do I not know this?? Stop! Ignore that. You're claimed! You're finally claimed by an Alpha that wants to be with you!

I tried to wipe away the tears that ran down my face, but I'm just too overjoyed for that right now. I can't stop thinking that we actually went through with it.

A 'whoosh' of the door sounded throughout the bedroom as I walked out of the bathroom. I didn't wipe my tears away as I stared at Keith, who just entered the room.


"Keith!!" I ran towards him and embraced him, catching him off guard but also earning a small giggle from him. My head grounded into his chest, hearing his heartbeat quicken with joy.

"Good Afternoon to you too," Keith pet my hair embracing me as well

"Did you know--!!" I separated from him and grabbed his hand, pulling it and setting it on my claim mark. Keith paused as he gently felt it looking into my eyes as his hand slowly moved over it.

"It's what you wanted right?" He seemed to get prepared to regret it.

"Yeah!! I'm so happy!" He kept playing with the claim mark as we stood by the door "Also, I hardly remember what happened in my heat. I think it hit me when you were out on the mission to the Balmera, I know I crashed in the hallway and Coran was there.... But that's all I got."

"Really?" Keith sounded a little hurt, "I held myself back and didn't fall into a rut, I wanted to be gentle with you for our first time."

"Sorry, I really wish I knew, but I don't remember anything beyond hearing the click of the door when Coran locked me in here."

"Don't worry, you were quite far into your heat when I got back from the mission,"

"Okay! Plus, we still have an entire lifetime to share, so we'll be able to do it a bunch of times!"


Keith and (Y/n) were stationed in the common room. (Y/n) head was settled on Keith's chest, them cuddled and slightly purring as they watched Keith write down notes on his Altean notebook.

"What do they mean?"

"What?" Keith asked

"The Characters. They don't look Gappian, Earthian (like Lance or Hunk's), or Altean."

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