Chapter 9: The Galra Empire

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Zarkon used to have a single Omega all to himself. This one Omega, which he loved more than any other Omega he had past and future. No one had ever considered that the man trying to rule the entire universe would find an Omega and cherish them to this extent, they even bonded on the Omega's first official heat. He made sure that the Omega was well cared for and that the Omega was happy.

When the Omega asked for something, they got it. When the Omega went into heat Zarkon took care of them. When they failed to conceive Zarkon would take care of them, again, and try to comfort the Omega. The Omega was named Abi. Abi was a Galra female Omega, an extreme rarity, and because of that Zarkon had her at his right side at all times (Zarkon didn't trust his Alpha soldiers around her, because he thought that they would try to impregnate her while he was away). Abi learned a lot from always being beside Zarkon. She learned just how powerful her Alpha was, which made her feel all the more loved that such a wonderful Alpha choose her.

It took a while before she was able to became pregnant with her first pup (child). She was so ready to give birth to a powerful line that was going to mean something, it's the greatest honor an Omega can have. She gave birth to a daughter... but sadly three weeks after birth the child went missing, presumably stolen or killed. Abi went into a depressive state and Zarkon forced the entire armada's to scour the universe for his child.

But she was never found.

It took a long time for Abi to want to have children again, and at this point Zarkon had gained another Omega because he respected Abi's wishes and didn't wish to force her in childbearing, but he still wanted a lineage. The other Omega was with Zarkon against their will. They had to be secured in a different room because of their repetitive blabbering about their planet and family back where they were from. Zarkon made it clear with 5 litters of children, that he was not going to return the Omega any time soon. Somehow, the other Omega ran away once Abi became pregnant again.

Abi then gave birth to twins, twins who looked so similar except one had black hair like Abi and the other white hair like the other father. They didn't look fully Galra like they should. They looked, somewhat Altean? He loved his twins, but he wished that they were actually his twins and not the job of a frisky prisoner. Zarkon was livid when he found out that another species had somehow gotten a hold of his Omega while he was with the other. It wasn't that hard to find out who it was that impregnated Abi, seeming how only one of the prisoners that they had was half Altean and Half Yuubi (which is just like a Human except instead of breathing Oxygen for their main source of intake they have to have Helium to survive). They were killed instantly. Abi died giving birth to the twins, leaving Zarkon to raise them himself. Zarkon did his best as a single father, refusing to have another Omega by his side for the time being. His twins slowly grew up, the white haired child, the younger of the two, he named Lotor and the eldest, with black hair, he named Pollack.

The older the two got the more the two began to show their differences, like most siblings. They were about two Earth years old and Pollack's skin was becoming fair and his eye's losing their yellow Galra glare. Zarkon panicked, slightly, not knowing what to do if the eldest--and one to take over the empire when he dies--looks more human than Galra. Zarkon went to one of his advisors and asked what he should do.

Even after reasoning out, Zarkon knew that the best thing for his eldest was if they didn't exist.

Zarkon would never admit to it now, but back then... he couldn't kill his child. He couldn't kill a being that looks like his precious Abi. Zarkon readied a pod, a simple pod, and typed in random coordinates hoping that his child would find a suitable home to live and love at.

Pollack landed in Kyoto, Japan, on Earth. He landed in the backyard of a single woman's home. She, a well renowned scientist, without question, took him in and raised him. When he was about four they moved to Texas on a joint assignment to look at the stars. At this point she had renamed him to Kenji, and gave him her family name of Kogane. When Kenji turned 5 he witnessed his mother get married to a very loving man, who for the life of him couldn't pronounce his name. For the rest of his life Pollack was dubbed Keith Kogane. Not knowing where he came from, nor his real family.

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