Chapter 15: A Day in the life of a Paladin

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"You don't need to start worrying about that now. It isn't for a few weeks right?"

"It's next week, and I can already feel it." I responded, "Plus, why shouldn't I worry?! It's my first heat around you with us anticipating it...."

"I know it's too soon, okay? I know that you don't want to be knotted and claimed yet. Hunk is making suppressants that will work better than the last batch he gave you. He's quite good with the machinery here." Keith responded continuing playing with my hair, "He's trying to make it so that they work like your desensitizers and Casy is helping him through the process through video chat. Hopefully, no one will even notice you're on your heat."

"That's the best case scenario, Keith," I let out a breath "But what if--"

"No, no more speculation."

"Says Mr. I have an entire file of what ifs."

"Those are different, I'm following the facts." He sat up stretching

"Speaking of that, who even is Mothman? I've never heard of that term."

"Trust me when I say, you don't want to know," Shiro sat across from us, laughing.

"Morning, Shiro," I smiled also sitting up and leaning forward running my hands through my hair.

I've been living with Keith, and the other Paladins, for two weeks now. It's really weird to get into their movement of things. Keith and I share a room down the hall from Lance and across from Coran. Keith's room is where we stay, it's big enough for the both of us except his bed--which I have to sleep on top of him for the both of us to fit comfortably (he says he doesn't mind me sleeping on him, and truly I don't know if I can sleep any other way now. The sound of my mate's heartbeat and breathing patterns now lulls me to sleep).

Keith is the best mate. He understands boundaries and cares for me. The first few days he walked really carefully around my feelings because he was too paranoid that he was going to mark me or that he was going to be too overpowering. He even broke out in tears one day and ran to his room thinking that he bruised me (and to tell the truth he hasn't even seen most of my scars). We had a good talk after that.

Keith and I set boundaries. He knows what we can and can't do, and so do I. Keith isn't really good with affectionate words and I don't really like a ton of physical contact. We usually cuddle when I vent to him or when I need to calm down he pulls me into a pheromone intense hug, the others don't seem to mind other than the smell of our pheromones together. Lance had to comment on it once, but he noticed we were both in tears and he dismissed it as we changed venues to the bedroom.

The rest of the Paladins (Allura and Coran too) just act like normal... well except Pidge. Pidge is very skittish around me. She seems to run away or ignore me and become very short when I'm around. Keith noticed it too and made the comment that not everyone has to like me, but I feel like it could be more than that.



"So... what exactly am I supposed to do?" I asked Lance as I followed him like a lost puppy.

"We're going to go chill with Hunk and Pidge, see if we can't be of any help."

"I thought you weren'"

"I may not be tech smart, but book smart is a whole other thing. I can do math and equations quicker than anyone on this ship, well maybe not Allura, but I don't really count a 10,000-year-old Princess."

"So, what would I be able to do? Pidge is just going to snap at me and Hunk will treat me like a child. Plus, isn't he supposed to be working on my suppressants?? What if he doesn't get them done in time??"

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