Chapter 14: Smiles, at Last.

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(Y/n) practically was sitting in Keith's lap he was so close. His smell intoxicating but also soothing--which to Keith, was really confusing. Their hands were still melded together, their shoulders pressed together, and (Y/n)'s head occasionally found itself on Keith's shoulder. They seemed content. Keith hardly listened to Jinji and Luka as they gushed about how brave his mate was during the Council meeting, he already knew how amazing and utterly beautiful his mate is, so why did he need to listen to this story once when he could look to his mate and hear it roll off of their tongue and hear their glorious words speak to him as they told about the tales of them standing up for themselves in front of a council that wanted nothing more but him dead and defeated (for some reason). He sat so captivated by (Y/n)'s affection. (Y/n) smiled and blushed, slightly and calmly retorted when their parents made fun of them.

There was a silence that enveloped the room. It was not awkward but more content. Luka leaned over to Casy and whispered something in his ear unknown to the rest, but all wanted to question what made Casy snicker and almost actually laugh to something. Casy shook his head at Luka and agreed out loud so everyone heard,

"I know, I was waiting for the right moment and you ruined it with your sentimental shit, Dad." Casy then reached to the back of his neck and unhooked his necklace (which bore the key to (Y/n)'s new-new collar which Casy had made no more than a day after they landed and he pried the Galra collar off of his Glantiin).

"Catch," Casy said as he lightly tossed it toward Keith. Keith looked down to his hands that caught the necklace without thinking about it. Keith looked down to the key, brand new and looking as if it belonged to a precious treasure. The key was soft but made of a metal that he knew somewhere in his head that he could not break even if he wanted to. He looked to it and then to (y/n)'s collar as if putting the pieces together but wanting Casy to actually tell him what he was thinking was right.

"What??" Keith questioned

"It's the key to the collar. Now you can properly take it off." Casy lightly winked and crossed his arms at his own antics. Not really happy at his implications but also knowing that Keith wanted to take the collar off and claim (Y/n) more than anyone Casy ever knew.

"Th-Thanks... " Keith stuttered as he slid the key through his fingers as if he was trying to memorize the feeling of the key. Keith blushed at the implications of the Key, him and Casy sharing a look as if they were talking through their minds. Keith knew that this meant that Casy was giving (Y/n) over to him, and Keith wasn't really sure how to handel that.

"Here, Keith, let me put it on~," (Y/n) cheered as they beamed a shiney and joyful smile as they looked to Keith. Keith lightly smiled back as he opened his palm for them to take the two ends and link it behind his slender neck.

None but the four Gappians knew of this action. This was a Gappian Proposal. This action, where the Glantiin of an Omega willingly gives up the jewellery that marks them and their Glantiin as one, to the new sutor and the Omega placing it around the neck was basically the carbon copy of the meaning behind the Earth's American proposal.

(Y/n) was all smiles, their face illuminated as if they were just given the best present in the world, they hummed a small toon from the back of their throat, which--because of their Omegan nature--soothed everyone in the room. They clipped the necklace and then wrapped their arms around Keith's neck from behind and leaned their chest against his back. Keith was a full flush. He felt so loved that an Omega of this caliber would chose him for his mate, let alone be his destined mate. Keith raised a hand to hold onto (Y/n)'s arms draped around his neck.

"You two are so precious!" Jinji gushed

"I can't wait to see your kids, they're going to be so beautiful." Luka mentioned laughing a little.

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