Chapter 19: I'm Going to Be a What?!

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"If seeing is believing, does believing also produce seeing?" I sat in the common room, with Lance on the other side of the room cuddling with Hunk as the two tend to do, holding my stomach. It's been almost a month since my heat and I've felt the same as when I was on Numa Gappa frolicking in the desert dunes chasing after Hallibuun's that loved to dig in the sand.

"What?" Lance asked, scrunching his face and looking at me as if I broke the peace

"I think (Y/n) really want's a kid."

"You have no idea!" I said flailing one arm and holding the other gently to my stomach right above where my womb would be. "Do you think Keith would be able to check yet? Or would it be too early?"

"Check? Check what??" Lance followed up

"Well, we were taught Alpha's could check on the pups. The Alpha would growl by the Omega's womb and if the Alpha felt movement (And on occasion hear a small noise back) that meant that there was a pup in there if not then it was too early or there was no pup."

Lance sat up, stretching and resting his hands on his knees after a small little yawn, "I've never heard of that,"

"You were probably out on one of your "sick days"," Hunk commented with a laugh, "But, I don't know if Keith could. Any subtle movement and his mind would go... and if he found out he could do that he'd never leave your side, checking every second. He cares too much to just let you and his potential child--uhh pup, go loose around a dangerous universe." Hunk smiled the whole time, seeming to be happy that we were talking about a little Keith running around wreaking havoc,

"And we all know that Keith would growl to anyone that even comes close to you when you are pregnant, he already growls at us when we talk about you during supper or when you are napping." Lance spread himself back on Hunk, his hands right under his head on Hunk's chest which rose with a giggling fondness.

"Yeah... but I want to know and the only other person that could help me would be Shiro.... But if I am pregnant than the first growl he or she hear should be his or her fathers, not Shiro's. In the long run, it would be better to be his or her father and not Shiro."

"What shouldn't be me?" Shiro asked, jumping me and Lance a little as he walked into the room, concerned and weary pheromones swept through the room as if he were worried we were talking bad about him.

"Just talking over an idea." I looked to him over the couch as he walked over towards us, "I need an Alpha but it would be better to be Keith...but also we think it wouldn't."

Shiro let out a breath, his pheromones now timid as he sat beside Hunk's head and chuckled setting a confident hand to the back of Lance's neck.

I've noticed the pack do this. It's a weird thing to witness: a pack not made of blood-related family members. I think I've talked about it before, but it's just so bizarre. A pack is a close-knit family, they scent each other on occasion, and the Omega's tend to go through their heats with the Beta's if they do not want any of the Alpha's or if the Alpha's are their parents. In this pack, I think Shiro is the undubbed (yet somehow dubbed because of his position in Voltron) as the leader; Hunk, Pidge, and Keith fight for second in command; as Lance, Coran, and Allura just chill around. That's what their pheromones at least are like, but Lance and Keith do tend to come neck and neck on occasion as if they are sizing each other up. I've also noticed that everyone seems calmer when Lance scents them. It's a pattern I've been picking up on lately, seeing the Voltron team more domesticated than in an action, action, action state.

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