Chapter 8: Kidnapped

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[A/n: This addresses abuse and acts upon it. Please read at your own risk]

He could hardly breathe, but he still screamed at the top of his lungs. He needed to know that they were alright. He needed to know that he wasn't alone again. (Y/n) was dragged out as rough as possible, them holding onto their collar as tightly as possible. The Galra, Rue, probably at least killed Luka, but was Junji dead too? Casy didn't want to face either of them being dead. He'd lost too much already.

"Mom..." Casy called gasping for air as his ribs threatened to collapse, he swore he was bleeding already by the taste in his mouth. "Please.... answer...." He knew that he wouldn't because he had passed out after Rue had taken (Y/n) away. And Luka wasn't in any better shape, his breathing not audible so Casy had already assumed the worst. "Damn it...." Casy rolled off the bed smashing himself to the ground with a panicked scream of pain. His ribs fighting against him and his leg aching badly. He felt the blood pooling in his mouth. He looked over to Jinji who was, thankfully, breathing but he looked terrible. Casy tried to ignore the feeling of sobbing as he did his best to crawl over to Luka to grab the communicator so he could call for Voltron.

He hated calling them for help. It was the last thing he wanted to do, but at the same time--though he'd never admit it--it was the first thing to pop into his head. He knew that they would be the only ones to save (Y/n). Save him before his heat started...

"Fuuucccc...." Casy choked out seeing Luka. His chest wasn't noticeably rising or falling, his eyes fluttered closed and his mouth slightly agape with dried blood shaping his jaw. Casy touched for a pulse before anything. He waited patiently, unlike his character, and waited for something....anything!

And there it was. Two heart beats at once. They were faint but there!

"Hang in there," Casy said as he grabbed the communication device out of Luka's front pocket and quickly called them "Hello?!" He called in a little more panicked voice than he wanted but, hell, it got their attention.

"Casy?" Shiro called back in a hurry "Is everything okay?"

"Are you guys busy?" Casy asked as if it mattered

"We just got back into the castle, the lions are a little--"

"He took (Y/n)...I don't know where he went. Jinji and Luka are on death's door. Please...."

"We'll be right there." Keith's protective voice called "Don't move."

No problem... Casy thought right before he blacked out.


"The lions aren't in working condition, what if--"

"Casy said that (Y/n) was taken! Are we just going to let that happen? (Y/n)'s parents are on death row too! We don't need the lions for this, the castle can land on Numa Gappa, Allura, We have to help!"

"Keith," Shiro placed his hand on Keith's shoulder trying to show him that he agreed but that yelling wasn't going to make Allura change her mind. "Allura, we should do our best, as Paladin's of Voltron, to help those who need us. Right now, we just got a distress signal from someone five galaxies away. One jump and we could save three--maybe four--lives." Shiro tried to smile calmly as if he weren't panicking on the inside just like Keith.

Allura agreed, seeing that all the Paladin's felt the same. She knew that they all missed the Omega on board--(Y/n), a real Omega unlike herself. She knew that they liked the smell of sweet roses, freshly baked Cinnamon buns (Hunk), the fresh Ocean breeze (Lance), the calming scent of freshly brewed Earth Coffee (Shiro), the somewhat musty scent of an older computer (Pidge), or just an overwhelming pull of every pleasing scent (Keith). She knew that they all needed to have the real Omega back on board... and in a way, she wanted them back too. She didn't feel as alone with another Omega on board. She knew that she could go to them for help, and also she was the only one that could help them. She couldn't be persuaded by their smell, she could help them in eating and making their nest (or at least gathering things, because most Omega's don't like getting help in making their nests... but it made her feel like a real Omega when she helped them.)

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