Chapter 4: The Incident

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We all entered into Casy and my home. It wasn't huge, but enough for the seven of us. As we entered I could feel one of the Alpha's glaring at the back of my neck. 

Casy set me on top of his workbench and fastened the new collar on.... yet, my fear of the two did not subside. 

The Red paladin ripped off my collar. I can't let Casy tell them that the only race to be able to do that is the Galra. I just....I can't let Casy know that it was one of the Paladins. He is very protective and if he knows that he shares even one ounce of blood with that race....It will not end well... What about Keith, though? Does he know? Has he already figured out that he's a Galra descendant? What if he's content with it, or at least made peace with it to a point that he won't let that race over ride his humanity? What if I'm just being paranoid and the whole team already knows?

He's a very confident and strong Alpha. It's no wonder he was able to rip off my collar. It didn't help that once he broke the glass I moaned out and begged to be fucked, and then when he and the black paladin actually went to do it I panicked. I literally fought for my life.... my dignity... If I wasn't a damn Omega I wouldn't have to worry about an Alpha claiming me.

"This collar should make even the Galra have a hard time ripping it off!" Casy exclaimed proud of himself, emphasizing on 'Galra' as if trying to tell me that he figured it out

"What did you put in it?" I asked as I brought my hand up to it, the smooth metal was actually warm and felt slightly hollow. "It's lighter than the other one."

"Oh, I asked Luna to grab me some of the Kinollu Iron while she was visiting Junnib the other month!" Casy said excitedly, which made my heart jump "I mixed it with fiberglass made from the Haff's stomach acid and the normal metal that we usually use."

So...what you're telling me is that you have literally all the ingredients that the Red paladin can my collar? What if he goes in another Oolkiin state?! All the materials in this collar are...useless....just like me, how fitting.

Casy just stared at me for a second, noticing that I was toying with my collar and stuck in thought (or was until I noticed he was staring).

"(Y/n)," He scolded "Stop thinking like that."

"What?" I asked with a smile as I looked up to him

"I know you. Stop thinking like that, alright? It's not healthy to think you are worth nothing."

"I'm sorry....." I said looking to the ground

"We'll find you an Alpha, alright? And if we don't what's so bad about living the rest of our time together? We've made it 20 years, I think we can make it until the end."

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

"Of course I'm right!" Casy laughed as he cupped my face and kissed my forehead "And when you turn of age and finally become mine, we'll be able to share our first official kiss~." He cooed as he separated from me "Oh, I got to go check on the Havlak," He turned and exited the room to the kitchen.

Leaving me alone with the five curious Paladins.


Keith gritted his teeth at the display of affection that Casy dared show to his Omega...... But at the same time, Keith knew that it was impossible for (Y/n) to even consider him over Casy who they have known for their whole life.

What does that Beta have that I don't? (Y/n), I can give you a strong family, we wold be perfect together. You and me, me and you. (Y/n) and Keith, Keith and (Y/n)....Alpha and Omega.... What can that damn Beta do that I can't?! He won't be able to please you like I can. It will take longer to bear children with him. I'm actually a defender of the universe, so taking care of an Omega should be nothing!

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