Chapter 20: In the Stars

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I think it's been about five months since Keith found out I'm pregnant.

Time passes so fast. Hunk and Lance have been using up their free time around me, "Gossip hour" is what they've dubbed it. They like to be around me and check on the pups now and again, feeling the kick or just talk with us there.

Lance likes to joke about him naming the kids because Keith's going to either forget that I'm in labor and leave to go in the training room or Keith's going to faint. The more Lance talks about it the more I've come to think of it as a possibility. The names that Lance has picked is Tallula, Qiana, Bambi, or Venessa if they are girls and if they are boys: Lance, Hector, Pedro, or Pablo.

Not that those are bad names for my children, but I am really hopping Keith is there. We've talked about the names now and again.

The names Keith and I have picked are: for the girl, Kimi, Yuun (as is tradition on Numa Gappa to name the first daughter after the mother's first name), Minami, or Kyoto; and for the boy, Thomas, Hank (for my father), Casey, or Takashi.

"Have you two settled on names yet?" Lance asked fidgeting with Hunk's hair, for the umpteenth time today.

"Nope. We've kind of narrowed it down, but Keith doesn't want to settle on one name and then when they come out to not look the part. Like what if we give them a really large name and they are a really small child?"

"That's a good point..." Hunk said focusing on his knitting that was right in front of him

"Wait!" Lance shot up

"What?!" Hunk flinched, as did I (holding onto my stomach feeling a small kick of wonder).

"How are you going to give birth?! You don't have a.... what a woman has. Are we going to have to cut--"

"Lance," Hunk set down his knitting needles, "We've been over this, like, a hundred times."

"I know, but still."

"Omega's get pregnant through insemination," I began "like women do. The Alpha (or Beta) sperm goes up into our womb which is connected to our butt hole (for women their vagina). Since the womb is connected that is where they will exit." I explained to Lance

"So you're pooping out your kid?" Lance scoffed

"That's a very derogatory way of putting it," I smiled

"But, essentially, yes?" Lance added

"Yeah, sure." Hunk said shaking his head and looking over to me with a small gesture of 'I don't know' and 'I'm sorry'.

"(Y/n)!" Keith called almost kicking in the door and running in

"Keith, you're going to give me a heart attack!" I jumped out of my skin almost completely.

"Sorry, you weren't in the bedroom and Pidge said something about training and I panicked!" Keith walked right in front of me and smiled when he realized it was basically gossip hour with Hunk and Lance.

Keith's been insane. Like, a good insane? I don't know. Everytime he's on a mission he makes sure to call me and ask me how I'm doing before he goes back to his mission, he was almost shot one time simply because I wasn't picking up (due to me taking a relaxing bath) and he put down his shield just to try to get a hold of me. He's almost always by my side growling to the twins making sure they are growing strong and reacting well. I feel as though he is smothering me, hence why I snuck out and gossiped with the only other two on this ship that won't tell him, unless it's life threatening, and they will complain back.

"Can I check on them?"

"You checked on them not that long ago, nothing is going to change."

"Are you sure, do you feel alright? I can get you something--anything."

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