Chapter 2

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Okay readers here is my next chapter. It is not Annalisa's POV, but it is her family and Jayden's. It gives you an idea of thier personalities. Please don't kill me, lol. But I promise the next chapter has her POV. I'll try and get the next chapter sometime this week.  Please comment back.

 Also I'll Like to dedicate this story to "mDeLOsReY3s" For being the first one to comment me on my story. Thanks!

Jayden's POV

            "Look fatso, I don't want you. You are disgusting and fat. I need a real woman, not some overweight pig. I am dating Kimberly, and soon we are going to be mated, so I suggest you forget we are mates. I, Jayden Crossley, formally reject you, Annalisa Silverman, as my mate. Don't ever talk to me again, and if you so much breath a word that we were mates, then you will regret it." I said while pushing the button to the second floor.

            When the elevator took us to the second floor, I quickly exited the elevator. I walked down the long hallway to the last door on the right. I had my own room in the pack house, because I basically lived here with Armond and his pig headed sister. I cannot believe the dumb spirits chose her to be my mate. She's ugly, fat, and a disgrace. She better not tell a soul, or I'm gonna hurt her, mate or not.

            Although I rejected her, my heart was throbbing. It hurt like hell. It felt like someone was squeezing it, trying to make it into pudding. I placed my hand over my heart, seeing if I can rub the pain away. It didn't want to disappear.

            When I got to my room, I opened my door. The first thing I expected to see was my un-made bed, but that is not what caught my attention. I saw a female body lying in my bed, with only a bed cloth covering her naked body.

            Annalisa's face popped into my head, but then it went away quickly when I realized it was Kimberly. I closed the door, and walked up to her. She gave me a sexy smile that said 'come and get me big boy'.

            "Well maybe a quick exercise before the meeting would do me some good."

Alpha Silverman's POV

            "Honey?" My wife Aleta said when we were waiting for the kids to come down stairs.

            "Yes sweetheart?" I said while buttoning my coat.

            "Why don't you call the kids on their cell, and tell them to hurry."

            "Yes hon."

            I took out my cell phone. I was about to call Armond first, but then I heard the elevator ring. I looked to see who it was. Armond, Jayden, and Kimberly came out. They were the only ones. Usually Annalisa was the first to come out; she was always early when it came to pack business. She was like a true alpha.

            "Where is your sister?" I ask Armond, when he saw us.

            "She's not here? She is usually the first out." He said shocked expression upon his face.

            "No, I'll call her on her cell."

            I dialed her number, and waited for her to pick up. On the third ring she picked up her phone.

            "Hello?" She answered the phone with an emotionless voice.

            "Annalisa what is taking you long, the meeting is to begin in half an hour and you are not down here?" I said through the phone.

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