Chapter 24

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Authors note: I am sorry it took me long, but I finally got it done. Please forgive me. Please understand that it is taking me awhile, for I have been busy. I will try to get the next chapter done as soon as I can, just not as fast as before. DEDICATIONS GO TO EVERYONE! Thanks for reading, and please enjoy! :)

Unknown’s POV

           As I looked around my surroundings, all I could see was red. There was red on the ground, the trees, and even on my claws. If you think about it, it is not normal for this color to be attached to these objects, so why were they here? Why is there a deep dark color of red splashed all over the surrounding nature?

            If you were to look closely, you’ll see that it is not just a color. The red is fluid that lives within our bodies and allows us to live. We all know what it is, for the deep dark red color, is blood. Blood of the enemy, blood of allies; blood everywhere and there is only one way of stopping it; kill the enemy as fast as I could.

            Now I know some of you are wondering, well who is your enemy? My enemy is the stinking pack members. They were the killers, not me. I may have killed many, and injured a lot, but they were the destroyers of happiness. My claws wanted to be filled with the blood of the pack members, as my anger had taken over, without allowing my wolf to take complete control.

            As I was running, on pure range, I came across a two wolves fighting. I immediately knew which one was a pack member; by the way she was fighting, and moving. I tried to be quick and silent, as I moved toward the fight, hoping to kill her in a surprise attack.

            My anger was so strong, that I was unable to know who the person was, for my anger blocked my senses, only allowing me enough to hunt. Though I briefly wondered who she was, because her figure looked familiar, yet I did not know how. Every time she flexed her muscles, or the way she formed a stance, she reminded me of someone I knew, but yet again, my anger prevented me from remembering who.

            Another rogue ran up to her, and went in for a strike. He was able to draw blood, but only a drop, before she used her front paws to cut his back. The gashes were too deep to heal, and the rogue soon died of blood loss.

            When she was focused on cleaning her claws, I went behind her to end her life quickly. Soon I was on her back, but she prevented me from grabbing her neck. She bucked like a bull, trying to get me off of her. My claws dug deep into her back, making it easier for me to continue holding on to her. I continued to hold on, until I was able to grab her neck and break it, or at least until my power took effect.

            My power usually takes effect after ten seconds, but as I counted in my head, the ten seconds passed and soon it was thirty seconds, with still no effect. This confused me, for no one has ever been able to be immune to my powers, except for one person, though that person was recently killed.

            My brief shock was enough time for her to loosen my grips from her back, causing me to fly off her and a few feet from her. She was ten feet from me shaking her head as blood escaped claw marks on her face, which I gave her, when I was trying to grab a hold of her again.

            As she stood there shaking her head, I could see blood seeping out of her open wounds on her back. Since her fur was a light color of grey, you can see the gashes very clearly. Even though they were deep, they were quickly healing. Her healing cells were faster than an average wolf, causing me to believe she was a special wolf like me. That was why she was immune to my powers.

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