Chapter 18

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Authors note: I do not know if you have heard, but I am planning on entering the Watty Awards. I do hope that you all will help me by voting. Please and thank you. Dedication will be at the bottom, and please COMMENT and VOTE! :)

Annalisa’s POV

            Hunter, Bruce, my father, the elders, and I were in my father’s office. We were questioning Jayden on his involvement with my brother. I had not yet informed them on the video, but I had wanted to speak with my pack beforehand; though I had to tell my father about the video by tonight.

            Bruce was in trying to read Jayden’s mind, to get more information on the Armond. While Bruce was in Jayden’s mind, my father was questioning Jayden. Jayden was still not giving us information. He refused to tell us anything new. He repeated the same thing he had told us before.

            “Jayden, we know you are hiding something, now just tell us. If you tell us, then we will not give you an extreme punishment, when we find out for ourselves.” My father commanded him.

            “I am telling you the truth. I just wanted to catch up with an old friend.” Jayden said.

            I let out a frustrated sigh. He should have told the truth by now, if he was commanded by my father. I didn’t understand how he could refuse the command. I wanted to go up to him, and force the answers out of him, but I cannot interfere with my father’s interrogation. When my father was about to ask him again, there was knock at the door.

            “Come in.” My father commanded.

            The door began to open, revealing a man in his mid-thirties. He walked up to my father’s desk in a fast, yet slow pace. I knew the man to be a part of my father’s pack, though I am unaware of what rank he was. Once the man was in front of my father, he began to speak.

            “Sir, there are two cars at the borderline, asking for permission upon entry of our territory.”

            “Do you know who they may be?” He asked.

            “No, but they said they were called here by their Alpha.”

            “Have they given their name? Or what pack they belong to?”

            “He said his name was George, and that he belonged to the Silvermoon pack.” The man said, while turning toward my direction.

            My father looked toward my direction as well. “Someone you know?” He asked me.

            “Yes, I had called for the rest of my pack members last night. I need to have a pack meeting with my whole pack.” I said getting up from the chair I was currently sitting on. I looked toward the man, and began to speak toward him. “Please allow them entry. Escort them to the house, and I will have a member of my pack escort them to my apartment.”

The man looked at my father; silently asking him if that was okay. My father nodded his head in agreement, before he turned back to Jayden to continue with his interrogation. I looked toward Bruce’s direction. He was still in Jayden’s mind, but I had hoped to start the meeting once the rest of the pack had arrived.

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