Chapter 17

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Editor's note: I just wanted to say, that I am sorry if I do not upload as fast as I use to. I have been having a lot to do lately. I know some of you may be on summer vaction, or is to be going on summer vaction, but I wish I could say the same. The college that I go to, does not have summer vacation, so I will not have much free time to write. I will try to upload as soon as I am able to, but please bear with me.

Now another thing I wish to say is that I had sent out a message reguarding if I should continue with a sequel. Since I had only had two people tell me thier opinion, one sad no, another said yes, I will just go with what I think. Thank you all for reading my note, and remember dedications are at the bottom. Plz COMMENT! :)

Annalisa’s POV

            After everyone had left, Hunter and I went to put Anthony asleep. Since Anthony was tired from the day, he fell into deep sleep within seconds on his head hitting his pillow. After making sure he was indeed asleep, we walked towards our room.

            When I first entered the room, I went straight to the dresser to get out my sleeping clothes. My sleeping clothes consist of a T-shirt, and shorts. Once I was done getting ready, I went to the bed, where Hunter was already there in his boxers. I laid down next to him.

            “Hunter?” I said in a soft tone.

            “Yes, love?” He said placing his arms around my body.

            “Do you think there is to be a battle soon?”

            “I believe we should trust our instincts, and my instincts say there is a going to be something major within a few days.”

            “In four days, yes my instincts suggest the same thing as well, but I fear that it is due to mine and my brother’s fault.” I said snuggling my face against the crook of his neck.

            “I sensed a great amount of anger flowing off your brother’s aura. He is angered at you, but I am unknown of why?” He said with a tint of anger in his voice.

            “Because I am to be Alpha of my father’s pack. He and my father had always assumed Armond was to be the next heir, but at the age of thirteen, we were given the test.”

            “Test?” He asked confused.

            “Yes, when there is more than one child within the Alpha’s blood line, then there is to be a test. The test is to find out who has inherited the Alpha gene. As we all know not everyone will know until they turn of age, but we had developed a way where we can tell ahead of time.”

            “How did you figure it out?”

            “When a young Alpha is born, they are able to command the younger pups. My father taught us how to conger up our Alpha voice. Whoever had the strongest command was the one to be Alpha. It may have seemed trivial, but it has worked for generations with siblings. It had an eighty percent chance of correction.

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