Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 is here! Dedications on the bottom. Thanks! don't forget to COMMENT!!

Annalisa’s POV

            Two months until my eighteenth birthday. It has been almost two years since I have left my old pack, but today I have decided to return, as promised, with my new mate, Hunter, and a stronger pack. My pack has become the strongest, yet smallest pack in the world.

            I was writing a letter back to my father. I had recently received a letter from him, asking the Alpha of the Silvermoon pack, for assistant upon training his pack members, for they have been recently had an increase upon the rogue sightings. No one knows that a female is the Alpha of my pack; therefore, my father does not know it is me. I began to write the letter to my father.

Alpha Silverman,

                Of the Dark wolf pack. I have recently received your letter, asking for my assistant. I will arrive within a week’s time, upon the date I sent forth this letter. I will be bring a few pack members with me, how many, I am unaware of yet. Please be sure to tell your guards to not attack. I will call you when we have arrived at the border of your territory.

                We have yet to meet in person, but now we have the chance to see each other. I hope that I will be welcomed into your territory, and not be harmed. I trust that you will make sure of that. I have heard you to be great Alpha. Please give your wife my best regards. Thank you and have a great day.


   Nalis Silvermoon

Alpha of the Silvermoon pack

            When I was done with the letter, I placed it in an envelope. I sealed it, and stamped it with the Silvermoon symbol. After I was done, I called for my Belta.

            “George.” I said through the mind link.

            “Yes Alpha?” He said.

            “Come to my office.

            “Right away.” He said before I closed the mind link.

            A few seconds later there was a knock at my door. I told him to enter. George walked up to my desk and sat down in one of the two chairs I have in front. I gave him a small smile, and he gave me one back.

            “You rang?” He asked with a smile.

            “No I just snapped my fingers, and you appeared.” I said sarcastically.

            “Har, har, har, very funny. What can I help you with?” He asked.

            “I need to send this letter to my father. He has asked for our pack’s assistant. They have been recently getting an increase of rogue sightings. After you have sent this letter, I need you and Hunter to inform the pack that I will be having a pack meeting in two hours. I need to inform them of these matters, I need to know who will I be taking, and who will be staying to protect the territory. Send Hunter in after you leave, and will give him the same orders, minus the letter task.” I said serious.

            “Yes Alpha.” He said as he stood up.

            After he left, Hunter arrived a few seconds later. He sat in the same spot as George. I let out a deep sign. We have been getting a lot of request for rogue sightings recently. I was stressed out, and tired a lot lately.

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