Chapter 21

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Authors note: Okay, I have finally uploaded. Sorry if I took long, and this story might not be exciting, but i just went with the flow. Lol. Just a few more chapters to go until the ending, but there will be a second book... After a short break. Lol. So you know what to do! Please COMMENT, VOTE, and FAN! :)  Dedications on bottom.

Annalisa's POV

           It was a few minutes into the game. I was still sitting on the large boulders looking out towards everyone. While I was faced toward the field, I was slowly sensing around me. I allowed my hearing to extend to everyone in the field.

            At the start of the game, I sensed someone's nervousness, and fear, yet anger as well. I was slowly trying figure out who it was, but it was quite difficult, since most people were feeling the same emotions toward the game at who was winning and who was losing. Though these emotions were different, they were emotions toward me, and the pack in general.

            I saw some small kids running around in the shield, ignoring the game. Seeing them run, granted me an idea. I looked at Anthony, who had a bored expression. Sensing my eyes on him, he looked up at me. I flickered my eyes towards the children playing, silently giving him permission to go play.

            "I need you do something why you are playing." I said to him through the mind link.

            "What is it that you need mommy?" He asked me as he was running to the other kids.

            "I want you to run around everyone. While you are running, check for anything suspicious, or something that concerns you. Tell me, that way I can be able to do something. We might be able to find out who the spy is." I said, looking at the field.

            "Okay mommy." Was the last thing he said before closing the mind link.

            I continued to view the fights going on. I knew everyone was being serious, but not completely. They were still holding back their powers, that way if the spy saw; he, or she, would not know the full truth of what their powers could really do. You can say they were just showing the basics to their powers.

            I opened the mind link to Hunter. "Have you been able to evaluate anyone on your side? Anyone suspicious?"

            "I have been looking around, trying to figure out if anyone was the spy, but I haven't really sensed anything. Though one part I did sense a short small amount, but that could have been anything. I can't be too sure. Check on the others, to see if they felt anything on their sides. They might have, because my side is clean; though I am not a hundred percent sure." He said.

            "Alright, I will check. I have Anthony looking around while he is playing." I informed him.

            "Alright; tell me any findings that you know of." He said before closing the mind link.

            After he closed the mind link, I went to through the mind link to connect to David. David said that he didn't find anything, but he would tell me once he did find something. I went through everyone else's mind, to check. The last person I connected to was Charles.

            "...yeah, it was while I was fighting Timothy and Marcie. I felt like I was being constantly studied. I would say watched, but everyone was watching us, but this was actually being watched, like every little thing I did was being recorded. It started once the game began. I think you should check on the east. That is where I was. Also check for any electronic workings. I felt the presence of one being use." He informed me.

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